
Summary: In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process. You will see how to create threads and you will discover mutexes

Primary LanguageC


Summary: In this project, you will learn the basics of threading a process. You will see how to create threads and you will discover mutexes Philosophers with threads and mutexes https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vMqbPiwxofL9Sml8P4xzVZGiHuUEPMZShsZQjZ5Xx4I/edit#gid=2085454190 /* The functions used:

pthread_mutex_init (&mutex, NULL) – initialization of mutex variable
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex) – attempt to lock a mutex
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex) – unlock a mutex
pthread_create (ptr to thread, NULL, (void*) func, (void*) )
pthread_join (ptr to thread, &msg)-This function will make the main 
program wait until the called thread is finished executing it’s task.
pthread_mutex_destroy (ptr to thread)-

create a function that waits for all threads to be created with simple C and using following functios: pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_unlock, pthread_create, pthread_join, pthread_mutex_destroy, pthread_exit without semaphores or pthread_cond_t

Note: while compiling this program use the following: [root@Linux philo]# gcc –o dining dining.c -lpthread

Algorithm for process:

  1. Start.
  2. Declare and initialize the thread variables (philosophers) as required.
  3. Declare and initialize the mutex variables (chopsticks) as required.
  4. Create the threads representing philosophers.
  5. Wait until the threads finish execution.
  6. Stop.

Algorithm for thread (philosopher i) function:

Philosopher i is thinking.
Lock the left fork spoon.
Lock the right fork spoon.
Philosopher i is eating.
Release the left fork spoon.
Release the right fork spoon.
Philosopher i Finished eating.

should be <= 10000 and >= 60 ms.

[1] number_of_philosophers = forks [2] time_to_die (in milliseconds)> time_to_eat + time_to_sleep. [3] time_to_eat (in milliseconds): [4] time_to_sleep (in milliseconds): [5] number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat ** the simulation stops when a philosopher dies.

◦ timestamp_in_ms X has taken a fork ◦ timestamp_in_ms X is eating ◦ timestamp_in_ms X is sleeping ◦ timestamp_in_ms X is thinking ◦ timestamp_in_ms X died

** Each philosopher has a number ranging from 1 to number_of_philosophers. ** To prevent philosophers from duplicating forks,
you should protect the forks state with a mutex for each of them.

--- MANDATORY: memset printf malloc free write, usleep(useconds_t microseconds) = usleep(25 ms * 1000) = usleep(25000) -- suspend thread execution for an interval measured in microseconds gettimeofday pthread_create pthread_detach pthread_join pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock

--- BONUS: fork kill exitma waitpid sem_open sem_close sem_post sem_wait sem_unlink
