Статус тестов

The final training project Mesto(eng. 'Place') at Yandex Praktikum for web-developers combines the frontend and backend parts of the application with the following features:

  • User registration and authorization;
  • User data modification:
    • name,
    • about,
    • avatar;
  • Operations with cards:
    • adding cards,
    • deleting only owner's cards (other users' cards cannot be deleted),
    • liking a card,
    • unliking a card,
    • opening a modal window for a card.

Technologies applied

  • BEM(nested)
  • React and JSX
  • Vite
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Postman
  • Remote Virtual Machine (created at Yandex.Cloud)
  • Automated testing

Backend launch

  • git clone git@github.com:VictoriaMatynyan/express-mesto-gha.git — clone the repository using SSH code;
    • git clone https://github.com/VictoriaMatynyan/express-mesto-gha.git — if you'd like to clone the repo via https-link;
  • npm install — install the dependencies;
  • npm run start — launch the server;
  • npm run dev — launch the server with hot-reload

Repository's URL: https://github.com/VictoriaMatynyan/react-mesto-api-full-gha

Project links

IP address:

Frontend https://mestoproject.nomoredomainsrocks.ru

Backend https://api.mestoproject.nomoredomainsrocks.ru