Using behavioural Directives


  • Use both event and behavioural Directives
  • Create an input with ng-model
  • Display the input's value in the View
  • Render a list of DOM nodes using ng-repeat


Clone this repo and use the directory structure setup for you.

In this lab, we've got a controller named ContactController with an array of contacts inside.

We need these contacts to be repeated in our HTML with their name and phone number displayed. Just use {{ }} to put the value into the DOM for now.

We should also have a button that calls our addContact method, to add a new contact to the list.

After you've done this, instead of just putting the contact's name and number into the DOM, put them inside <input />s instead, using ng-model to set the value. This will allow us to edit the contacts. The data will always be displayed in these inputs.