
This project creates a visually appealing webpage featuring a button that directs users to Viktoriya Pashkouskaya's GitHub profile. It uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to achieve an interactive and stylish design.


Stylish Background and Heading: The webpage has a vibrant pink background and a white text heading with a shadow effect. Custom Button: The button has a unique style with rounded corners, shadows, and hover effects. Spark Animation: When the button container is hovered over, animated sparkles are generated for a dynamic effect.


GitHub Button: Clicking the button will redirect the user to Viktoriya Pashkouskaya's GitHub profile. Hover Effect: Hovering over the button container triggers spark animations around the button.


index.html: The main HTML file containing the structure and content. styles.css: Contains all the CSS styles for the webpage. scripts.js: Includes JavaScript functions for button redirection and spark animations.

How to Run

Open index.html in a web browser. Hover over the button container to see the spark animation. Click the button to navigate to the GitHub profile.


A modern web browser. Internet connection to access external CSS libraries.


Designed and developed by Viktoriya Pashkouskaya.