Analyzing real time Twitter data on COVID19

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Female Tech Leaders Hackathon

Introduction to Big Data • COVID-19 and its Global Effects

Team Name: CrownPride

Team Members: Dilip Rajkumar, Gopinath Mylapura Anjaneyareddy, Mahalakshmi Sabanayagam, Victoria Perez Mola

Project: Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 related tweets and the impact on equities

In this FTL Hackathon project, we performed sentiment score analysis of tweets containing various hashtags related to COVID 19 (corona), lockdown announcements and other stock market related labels and analyze its impact on Dow Jones Industrial (DJI) stock index. The tweets were acquired in real time using tweepy API, sentiment analysis was performed using nltk and TextBlob library and the resulting data analytics results were stored in Google Sheets using a python script. We also show interactive data visualizations of the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the world (eg: GIS Choropleth plots) and other interesting plots for the twitter data analytics.


  • Download or clone the repository
  • run !pip install requirements.txt
  • Execute the notebook


  • Google developer credential in a json files
  • Twitter developer credential in a json files