A curated list of awesome dbt resources
- Leveraging DBT as a Data Modeling tool - Reflection on one-year usage of dbt.
- dbt guide - Primer on how you should properly set up and configure your dbt workflow
- dbt Fundamentals - Official free course offered by dbt. Excellent for learning the basics of dbt Cloud.
- Learn DBT from Scratch - Guides you through a setup paired with Snowflake (decorated with extras)
- Your Essential dbt Project Checklist
- dbt for Data Transformation – Hands-on Yet another tutorial for using dbt Cloud
- Start Modeling Data - Configuring Bigquery with your dbt project
- dbt + Materialize: Streaming to a dbt project near you - How to own your real-time transformation workflows like batch-based alternatives.
- Who's really using dbt?
- dbt and the Analytics Engineer — what’s the hype about
- dbtvault - Package for generating and executing ETL for Data Vault 2.0 on Snowflake
- Building a Scalable Analytics Architecture with Airflow and dbt - Leveraging the dbt manifest in Airflow
- Auto-generating an Airflow DAG using the dbt manifest
- Dagster and dbt: Better Together - Getting started with the dagster-dbt library
- Building a robust data pipeline with the dAG stack: dbt, Airflow, Great Expectations
- How to set up a dbt data-ops workflow, using dbt cloud and Snowflake
- How to configure your dbt repository - Mono-repo or not mono-repo?
- Anatomy of A Pipeline: CI/CD For a dbt Data Warehouse on Google Big Query Using Azure Pipelines
- How to Deploy dbt to Production using GitHub Actions
- Deploying and Running dbt on Azure Container Instances
- Continuous Integration and Automated Build Testing with dbtCloud
- dbt-expectations - Port between dbt and great_expectations to extend out-of-the-box tests.
- re_data - dbt package for montioring metrics and detect anomalies.
- How do you test your data - Suggestions on testing your data powered by the community
- How to unit test sql transforms in dbt
- dbt-coves - CLI tool for generating a scaffold for your dbt project
- dbt-profiler - data profiling and doc block generator
- dbt_utils - General macros library. A must have.