
News Source Database and Search Engine. A MERN stack news app build from scratch by 4 students from Techlabs ss22 - Düsseldorf as their final project!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Athena Delta: Unbiased News Website

This project implements a news website using the MERN stack and is available here.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/kierandidi/news_search_engine.git

  2. Run npm install

  3. Run npm start

API Reference


  • get: get all the topics

  • post: post a topic; works but is incomplete


  • get: get a topic with the specific ID from the database

  • patch: edit the specific topic according to input

  • delete: delete the specific topic


  • get: get all the articles under that specific topic

  • post: post a new article; works but incomplete


  • get: get all the articles

  • post: post a new article; works but incomplete


  • get: get an article with the specific ID from the database

  • patch: edit the specific article according to input

  • delete: delete the specific article


  • get: get all the topics under that specific article

  • post: post a new topics; works but incomplete


  • get: searches all article headlines for 'word'


This project was deployed using Heroku. See this article about strategies to hide the database URI in a Heroku deployment and this article to learn about the deployment process of a MERN application using Heroku.


App Screenshot

Tech Stack

Client: React

Server: Node, Express, MongoDB


  • automatically fetch news articles

  • incorporate Redux into pipeline

Color Reference

Color Hex
Logo Font #e0dcf6 #e0dcf6
Logo Sign #eef7fd #eef7fd
Navbar #212529 #212529
Green #198754 #198754
Blue #0d6efd #0d6efd


Why another news website?

Our project was focused around providing different perspectives on topics by showing articles from different geographic regions for the same topic. The idea is that users do not stay stuck in their news bubble, but also get exposure to opinions different than their own and therefore start questioning their assumptions.

Can I contribute?

Yes! If you have a topic you think is wort to be covered from multiple perspectie, open an issue and include the topic name as well as links to different articles dealing with the topic.



Thanks a lot to the TechLabs team Düsseldorf, especially to our mentor Diego!