Nom on Some Burgers


The purpose of this application is using specific dependencies such as express, express-handlebars, and mySQL to create a burger logger. Users will be able to add any burger that they want to the list and devour them.

Deployed app via Heroku:


Time of Contents


To create this application, you would have to run npm install which will provide you a npm dependencies such as node_modules & package-lock.json. However, if users only need to install package.json they can run npm init -y on the command-line.

mySQL a database management system

express web application framework based on Node.js that provides a ton of features for web and mobile apps.

express-handlebars handlebar view engine for Express

MySQLWorkbench to deploy my code that is currently listed in db folder

VSCode my text editor


Steps to this application:

  • First clone the rep, if you do not have node_modules make sure to check Installation.
  • Go to config/connection.js, add your Password
  • Execute codes from schema and seeds in the db folder to your Workbench.
  • Run node server.js
  • Open localhost from browser then play around with the application.

(Video provided below)


MIT License


Study Group Peers: Victor Tran, Geoffrey Jiang, Cameron Wright




github: victortran415