
GitHub project (Project 3) repository for PDSND

Primary LanguagePython

Note: Please fork the current Udacity repository so that you will have a remote repository in your Github account. Clone the remote repository to your local machine. Later, as a part of the project "Post your Work on Github", you will push your proposed changes to the remote repository in your Github account.

Date created

Project was created on June 25, 2023.

Project Title

US Bikeshare Data Analysis


This project is part of Udacity's Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree. The objective of the project is to make use of Python to explore data related to bike share systems for three major cities in the United States—Chicago, New York City, and Washington. The source code in this repository is used to import US bike share data and answer interesting questions about it by computing descriptive statistics. The script also takes in raw input to create an interactive experience in the terminal to present these statistics.

Files used

The following data files were used for this project (not included in this repository due to their size):

  • chicago.csv
  • new_york_city.csv
  • washington.csv

And the following script:

  • bikeshare.py : Main script to run this analysis.


This project requires Python 3.x and the following Python libraries installed:

To run this project, you will need to have software installed to run and execute a Jupyter Notebook. If you do not have Python installed yet, it is highly recommended that you install the Anaconda distribution of Python, which already has the above packages and more included.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo-name.git
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory.
  3. Run bikeshare.py in a terminal or command window.

Please ensure that you have the necessary data files in the same directory as the script. The data files are: 'chicago.csv', 'new_york_city.csv', 'washington.csv'


After you have installed the necessary dependencies mentioned in the 'Requirements/Installation' section, you are ready to run the script. Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure you are in the same directory as bikeshare.py.

  2. Run the script in a terminal or command window using the command python bikeshare.py.

  3. The program will ask you for your input for the city (Chicago, New York City, Washington), the month (all, January, ..., June), and the day of the week (all, Monday, ..., Sunday) you want to analyze.

  4. Based on your input, the program will calculate statistics and print them out.

  5. You will also have the option to view the raw data.

  6. After the statistics are printed, the program will ask you if you want to restart it. Enter 'yes' or 'no'.

Remember, your input is not case-sensitive, so 'Chicago' and 'chicago' will be treated the same.


This project was completed as part of the Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree program by Udacity.

Additionally, I've found the following resources helpful during the development of this project:

I'd like to thank the mentors and the student community at Udacity for their help and support.