- 0
Fix rounding of portion scaling
#131 opened by ViddeM - 1
Ingredient row number missing
#130 opened by ViddeM - 3
- 3
- 0
- 1
Edit steps looks a bit weird on the edit recipe page
#122 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 2
Implement usage of db transactions.
#53 opened by ViddeM - 2
Fix pdf support in new frontend
#105 opened by ViddeM - 2
Tags page looks weird on mobile
#107 opened by ViddeM - 1
Deleted recipes still accessible by id_deleted
#87 opened by ViddeM - 2
- 1
Fix print formatting.
#63 opened by ViddeM - 2
- 1
Spara knapp
#50 opened by MythosoCode - 1
.env.example in frontend is out of date
#110 opened by ViddeM - 0
Add ratings
#109 opened by ViddeM - 0
Add personal favourites
#108 opened by ViddeM - 1
Allow for blankspaces in the description.
#44 opened by ViddeM - 0
Filtering of author should be refactored
#102 opened by ericlp - 0
Make recipe/tag combination unique in recipe_tag table
#104 opened by ViddeM - 0
Add margin below tags on view recipe page.
#80 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 0
Going back from recipe does nothing if there is nothing in the history to pop, perhaps hardcode the URL to goto?"
#64 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 1
Can't focus Imageupload using tab
#98 opened by ericlp - 1
- 0
The backend does not check if a recipe has been deleted when a GET request is performed
#88 opened by ericlp - 0
Make some environment variables optional
#81 opened by ViddeM - 0
Can create url-invalid unique names
#73 opened by ViddeM - 2
Can’t change sort order of ingredients
#61 opened by MythosoCode - 1
- 1
Create page not resetting properly.
#62 opened by ViddeM - 1
Allow upload of PDF documents as images.
#40 opened by ViddeM - 1
Github name is optional and can therefore be empty, consider using nickname as a fallback.
#38 opened by ViddeM - 1
Increase length of recipe name field
#41 opened by ViddeM - 3
- 1
Ingredients allow for 'comma' in decimal numbers.
#42 opened by ViddeM - 1
Allow empty ingredient amount / unit
#46 opened by ViddeM - 1
Favicon wrong on IOS
#48 opened by ViddeM - 1
Ios shows -1 in oventemp/cookingtime
#49 opened by ViddeM - 2
Tillåt versaler på ingrediens raden.
#51 opened by MythosoCode - 0
Sortering av tillagningsstegen är buggig. I Aioli receptet visas steg 1 längst ner.
#52 opened by MythosoCode - 0
Incorrect image retrieved on get recipes endpoint
#57 opened by ViddeM - 1
- 0
Add support for more than 1 image.
#47 opened by ViddeM - 0
Improve legal documents
#35 opened by ViddeM - 1
Add loadingbar when uploading images.
#39 opened by ViddeM - 1
Implement author tracking
#34 opened by ViddeM - 1