
Official implementation of "Self-Improving Video Generation"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The official codebase for training video policies in VideoAgent

NEWS: We have released another repository for running our Meta-World and iTHOR experiments here!

This repository contains the code for training video policies presented in our work
VideoAgent: Self improving video generation
Achint Soni, Sreyas Venkataraman, Abhranil Chandra, Sebastian Fischmeister, Percy Liang, Bo Dai, Sherry Yang website | paper | arXiv | experiment repo

      title={VideoAgent: Self-Improving Video Generation}, 
      author={Achint Soni and Sreyas Venkataraman and Abhranil Chandra and Sebastian Fischmeister and Percy Liang and Bo Dai and Sherry Yang},

Getting started

We recommend to create a new environment with pytorch installed using conda.

conda create -n videoagent python=3.9
conda activate videoagent
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia

Next, clone the repository and install the requirements

git clone https://github.com/Video-as-Agent/VideoAgent
cd VideoAgent
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset structure

The pytorch dataset classes are defined in flowdiffusion/datasets.py

Training models

For Meta-World experiments, run

cd flowdiffusion
python train_mw.py --mode train
# or python train_mw.py -m train

or run with accelerate

accelerate launch train_mw.py

For iTHOR experiments, run train_thor.py instead of train_mw.py
For bridge experiments, run train_bridge.py instead of train_mw.py

The trained model should be saved in ../results folder

To resume training, you can use -c --checkpoint_num argument.

# This will resume training with 1st checkpoint (should be named as model-1.pt)
python train_mw.py --mode train -c 1


Use the following arguments for inference
-p --inference_path: specify input video path
-t --text: specify the text discription of task
-n sample_steps Optional, the number of steps used in test time sampling. If the specified value less than 100, DDIM sampling will be used.
-g guidance_weight Optional, The weight used for classifier free guidance. Set to positive to turn on classifier free guidance.

For example:

python train_mw.py --mode inference -c 1 -p ../examples/assembly.gif -t assembly -g 2 -n 20

Pretrained models

We also provide checkpoints of the models described in our experiments as following.


VideoAgent | VideoAgent-Online | VideoAgent-Suggestive





Download and put the .pt file in results/[environment] folder. The resulting directory structure should be results/{mw, thor, bridge}/model-[x].pt, for example results/mw/model-305.pt

Or use download.sh

./download.sh metaworld
# ./download.sh ithor
# ./download.sh bridge

After this, you can use argument -c [x] to resume training or inference with our checkpoint. For example:

python train_mw.py --mode train -c 305


python train_mw.py --mode inference -c 3053083 -p ../examples/assembly.gif -t assembly


This codebase is modified from the following repositories: