
Python script that scrapes Roblox clients from their setup servers

Primary LanguagePython


rgrab is a Python script that digs through Roblox's servers looking for available versions and sends whatever files it can get its hands on to an aria2c daemon.


To get the script up and running, you first need to do a few steps:

  1. Set up an aria2c daemon. If you don't already have aria2c installed, you can download it here.
  2. Install the aria2p module using pip:
    Windows: py -m pip install aria2p
    Linux: pip install aria2p
  3. Run the script.


usage: rgrab.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-c CHANNEL] [-mn] [-dhf DEPLOY_HISTORY_FILE] [-m] [-nd] [-di] [-ai ARIA2C_IP] [-ap ARIA2C_PORT]

Scrape Roblox's setup servers for client versions.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Sets the domain that the script will grab versions from. Unless you're scraping something from LouBu, there is no need to set this.
  -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
                        Sets the channel that the script will grab versions from.
  -mn, --manual         Attempts to query additional endpoints other than DeployHistory to find versions.
  -dhf DEPLOY_HISTORY_FILE, --deploy_history_file DEPLOY_HISTORY_FILE
                        If specified, reads the file with the same name as the DeployHistory instead of trying to get the latest one. Useful for getting
                        clients from channels with previously wiped deploy histories.
  -m, --mac             Scrape versions in a way that properly grabs Mac clients.
  -nd, --no_deploy_history
                        Disables scraping from DeployHistory.txt.
  -di, --dont_ignore_versions_after_parsed
                        Don't ignore versions found during the parsing process in future sessions.
  -ai ARIA2C_IP, --aria2c_ip ARIA2C_IP
                        The IP address of the aria2c daemon to connect to.
  -ap ARIA2C_PORT, --aria2c_port ARIA2C_PORT
                        The port of the aria2c daemon to connect to.


To grab all Windows clients in the main channel and send the version files to an aria2c daemon on the same computer, you'd simply use this command:

python rgrab.py

To grab all Windows clients in the znext channel and send the version files to an aria2c daemon on the same computer, you'd use this command:

python rgrab.py -c znext

To grab all Mac clients in the main channel and send the files to an aria2c daemon on the same computer, you'd use this command:

python rgrab.py -m

To grab all Windows clients in the zintegration channel using an already downloaded DeployHistory.txt file, you'd use this command:

python rgrab.py -c zintegration -dhf DeployHistory.txt

To grab all Windows clients in the main channel and send the version files to an aria2c daemon on another computer with the IP address of, you'd use this command:

python rgrab.py -ai