
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pump it Up Data Mining the Water Table Competition



Remove features since similarity and other reasons

  • public_meeting
  • permit
  • management_group
  • extraction_type_group
  • extraction_type_class
  • installer
  • date_recorded - there is no relationship
  • construction_year - removed and added no of working years
  • wpt_name - almost every value is unique
  • num_private - most of data are 0
  • subvillage - low data for each category
  • region_code - duplicate of region
  • recorded_by - there is no relationship
  • scheme_name - each category has small number of data
  • payment - payment and payment_type has almost same classes
  • quality_group - quality_group and water_quality has almost same classes
  • quantity_group - quantity_group and quantity has same classes
  • source_type - source is almost same
  • source_class - source is almost same
  • waterpoint_type_group - waterpoint_type_group and waterpoint_type have almost same classes

Replace missing values

Below columns had 0 for missing values

  • gps_height
  • population
  • amount_tsh
  • longitude
  • latitude
  • construction_year

First replaced with mean of respective region and district_code Remaining null values replaced with mean of region Remaining null values replaced with overall median

Only construction_year is replaced with median as mean gives year with decimal points

Below categorical column had NaN for missing values

  • funder
  • scheme_management

Replaced with new category other

Used label encoding and one hot encoding to handle categorical data.

Transformed all category names to lowercase to avoid issues while encoding.


Following categories had large values and normalized to 0 - 20 using Min - Max scaler

  • amount_tsh
  • gps_height
  • population

Feature Engineering

Target encoding - Used ward feature to target encode. Because, ward feature has many unique values.

Created new features by transfomations.

  • new column named no_working_years created from date_recorded and construction_year

Experimented Models

  • RandomForestClassifier (sklearn)
  • XGBClassifier (xgboost)

