Coupons App

The purpose of this sample is to show you how to gradually rollout a new feature, and measure its success, using MobileFirst Foundation capabilities. It also shows you how you can fine-tune aspects of the new feature in response to user feedback, without releasing a new version of your app. The new feature introduced in this sample app allows users to collect Augmented Reality coupons, using the phone camera to scan for coupons “in the field.” Similar to collecting Pokemon in the recent popular game Pokemon Go.

The MobileFirst Foundation features highlighted in this sample are Live Update, Analytics, Adapters and Security Framework.


Gradual Feature Rollout with IBM MobileFirst Foundation 8.0


  1. Installed Git
  2. Pre-installed IBM MobileFirst Platform development environment.
  3. Understanding the IBM MobileFirst Platform Authentication and Security.
  4. Understanding the IBM MobileFirst Platform Java Adapters.
  5. Understanding the IBM MobileFirst Platform Live Update.

Running the sample

  • Clone this repository
$ git clone
  • Deploy the CouponsAdapter adapter

    • Build and deploy the adapter using maven:
      • From a Command-line, navigate to the CouponsAdapter project's root folder
      • Build using maven by executing mvn clean install
      • Deploy the adapter into your MobileFirst server by running mvn adapter:deploy (assure that your MobileFirst server connection parameters are updated in the pom.xml file)
  • Deploy the UserLogin Security Test Adapter (same instructions as CouponsAdapter)

  • Deploy the ClubMemberTypeSegmentResolver adapter (same instructions as CouponsAdapter)

  • Deploy the Live Update Adapter by following this link

Note: maven is just one way to build and deploy adapters, to learn more about adapters see the following link

  • Register the CouponsApp native iOS app
    • Register the application with mfpdev CLI:
      • From a Command-line, navigate to the CouponsApp project's root folder
      • Register the app by using by executing mfpdev app register

Note: you can also register app using MobileFirst Operations console (Applications->new)

  • Configure the Live Update Settings
    • Set the resolver adapter name:
      • From the MobileFirst Operations console go to Adapters->Live Update Adapter and set the segmentResolverAdapterName to be ClubMemberTypeSegmentResolver
    • Import the Live Update schema:
      • The scheme to import is located in the file schema.txt

      • Import the schema by executing the following curl command:

        curl -X PUT -d @schema.txt --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:9080/mfpadmin/management-apis/2.0/runtimes/mfp/admin-plugins/liveUpdateAdapter/com.github.mfpdev.sample.CouponsApp/schema
    • Import the Live Update segments:
      • The segments to import are located in the file segments.txt

      • Import the segments by executing the following script (save the script to file first):

        segments_number=$(python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print len(obj["items"]);' < segments.txt)
        while [ $segments_number -gt $counter ]
            segment=$(cat segments.txt | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);data_str=json.dumps(obj["items"]['$counter']);print data_str;')
            echo $segment | curl -X POST -d @- --user admin:admin --header "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:9080/mfpadmin/management-apis/2.0/runtimes/mfp/admin-plugins/liveUpdateAdapter/com.github.mfpdev.sample.CouponsApp/segment

Note: if you are using windows you need to have a bash environment installed.

  • Security configuration

    • From MobileFirst Operations console go to Applications->CouponsApp->iOS->Security(Tab). In Scope-Elements Mapping map scope configuration-user-login to UserLogin. Do the same for scope club-member-scope.
      Scope Mapping
  • Coupons Adapter configuration

    • From MobileFirst Operations console go to Adapters->Coupons Adapter. In Configurations set the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE to be values which is near your current location. Those values will be used by the adapter to randomize coupons and gifts around your current location. You can use site that offer this service such as

      Scope Mapping

Using the sample

  • The sample allows customers to collect coupons of business / store in an appealing way using augmented reality. When the ar_coupon feature is enabled (in Live Update Settings) to an audience segment such as regular/premium/vip. Users from the relevant segment can start pick up coupons by pressing the Look for coupons button.

  • To be able to login just enter username which is equals the password, e.g: John/John. Pressing on the Look for coupons button will load augmented reality view with the coupons and gifts. The user is divides into 3 segments: regular/premium/vip. The user segment is defined by the first letter of his username and is implemented in ClubMemberTypeSegmentResolverResource:

char firstCharacter = authenticatedUser.getDisplayName().charAt(0);

boolean isPremiumMember = firstCharacter >= 'I' && firstCharacter <= 'Q' || firstCharacter >= 'i' && firstCharacter <= 'q';
boolean isVIPMember = firstCharacter >= 'R' && firstCharacter <= 'Z' || firstCharacter >= 'r' && firstCharacter <= 'z';

return isVIPMember ? "vip" : isPremiumMember ? "premium"  : "regular";

Live Update configurations options

  • Summary tables showing the options available for this application:
Feature Name Id Description
AR coupon ar_coupon Displays augmented reality coupons near the store
Propery Name Id Description
Club Image clubImage Image for club type (regular/premium/vip)
Coupon Pickable Radius discountPickableRadius The radius in meters to be able pick a discount coupon
Gift Pickable Radius giftPickableRadius The radius in meters to be able pick a gift
The coupons resource adapter URL coupons_adapter_url Return JSON of coupons for the relevant segment
Welcome Message welcomeMessage Welcome message for the app user (after login)
  • In MobileFirst Operations console you can go to Live Update Settings under Applications->CouponsApp->Live Update Settings and change features and properties to see how they affect the app. e.g.: change the discountPickableRadius and reload the coupons to see how it affect the distance of coupons which can be picked.

Using Analytics



External dependencies frameworks used in the app

Supported Levels

IBM MobileFirst Foundation 8.0


Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.