
Demo Kubernetes (Main abstractions) application.

Primary LanguageGo

Kubernetes main abstractions



To enable ingress:

  • Docker desktop - https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#docker-for-mac
    • Using kubectl - kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.3.0/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
    • Using helm - helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \ --repo https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx \ --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
  • Minikube - minikube addons enable ingress

Repository application

If you want to test application inside repository - do not forget to:

  • Span all preparation containers - kubectl apply -f kubernetes/preparation
  • Build application - docker build -t $registry/$image_name:$tag $directory
  • Push application - docker push -t (tag from previous step)
  • Change image section in deployment.yaml file to new $registry/$image_name:$tag

Docker registry

To access docker registry:

To create your own registry:

To use minikube registry:

To install image directly to minikube:

  • minikube image build -t $image:$tag -f $dockerfile_path $dockerfile_directory
    • minikube image build -t books:minikube -f Dockerfile . (Example)


Application with cluster IP and ingress

Step-by-step instruction - Application with Cluster IP service and Ingress

  • kubectl apply -f kubernetes/examples/application-cluster-ip
    • Do not forget to turn Ingress addon on if you are using minikube
  • Add IP of your cluster to /etc/hosts file (Windows C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts):
  • Check if it is working: curl -v ingress.local

Application with nodePort

Step-by-step instruction - Application with NodePort service

  • kubectl apply -f kubernetes/examples/application-nodeport
  • Check if it is working: curl $(minikube ip):30007 | curl localhost:30007

Folder structure

  • kubernetes/application - application abstractions
  • kubernetes/configuration - configuration abstractions
  • kubernetes/network - network abstractions
  • kubernetes/preparation - abstractions for presentation
  • kubernetes/job - abstractions for job
  • kubernetes/examples - ready to deploy applications based on Nginx image

Kubernetes network

Kubernetes commands

Main commands:

Short names:

  • configmap – cm
  • pod – po
  • services – svc
  • ingress – ing

Work with context:

All contexts are placed in file: ~/.kube/config

  • kubectl config get-contexts – find all available contexts
  • kubect config use-context $-context_name- – use the context for kubectl

To edit resource:

  • kubectl edit $resource -n $namespace $resource_name
    • Example: kubectl edit secrets -n trends plutus-tls

To describe resource:

  • kubectl describe $resource -n $namespace $resource_name
    • Example: kubectl describe pod -n trends plutus-integ-asdasd-123we

To download resource:

  • kubectl get $resource -n $namespace $resource_name -o $format some.$format – download resource as file with specific format (json, yaml).
    • Example: kubectl get cm -n trends coolmap -o yaml some.yaml

To get resource:

  • kubectl get $resource -n $namespace – all resources in the namespace
  • kubectl get $resource --all-namespaces – all resource in all namespaces


  • kubectl exec -n $namespace -it $pod_name - - /bin/sh – working inside a container
  • kubectl logs -n $namespace $pod_name – get pod logs

Minikube commands

  • minikube node add - add another node for minikube
  • minikube addons list - all addons for minikube
  • minikube addons enable $addon_name - enable any addon for minikube
  • minikube image build -t $tag $directory - build image directly to minikube
  • minikube mount $from:$to - mount directory to minikube
  • minikube ip - show ip address of minikube
  • minikube —help - help description of minikube commands