Please note that this project is maintained on GitLab, and you can find the latest version of the code, as well as updates and bug fixes, at If you encounter any issues while using the application, we encourage you to report them on the GitLab repository so that we can address them as soon as possible.

unsplash wallpaper changer for linux

** deep documentation on my website !**

Getting started

If it show any issue dont forget to create a bug request,, it may take about a min to startup,

Tested on Fedora , Ubuntu , Arch . Recomended to use it on i3 , KDE , Gnome , Unity desktop envirment or window manager.

if you are using other system , you need to find a way to autostart ~/.local/bin/unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator and kill any other wallpeper manager that conflict nitrogen

Run this one line and see your wallpaper is changing every 30s

wget -qO- | tee unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator && chmod +x unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator && ./unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator

set wallpaper resolution.

open the file unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator and change the value 1920x1080

you can find this line at the top of the script



modify that 1920x1080 to another value... and reinstall ?

Don't know how to reinstall ?


 rm -rf ~/.local/bin/unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator 
Don't know your monitor resolution?



Do you want to see my output of that command ?

if you don't like those categories I am using them for my wallpaper...

queries=( "quran" "russia" "moscow" "cactus" "horror" "nature" "quotes" "technology" "travel" "universe" "3D "islamic" "mathematics" "mosques" "Kaaba" "Linux" "korea" "southkorea" "kazan" "Seoul" "Busan" ) open that file change the List of search queries and reinstall that file...

All the Download Photos will save into ~/Pictures/ this directory

Worry about Storage ?

well, don't worry i have the solution. by defult it will Continue Downloading 9gb than it will start removing old photos by created time on that directory , and alaways try to remove same photo.

But you can Change this limit value max_size_gb=9 to you can make it 99999999 or 1 and dont forget to reinstall.

List of dependencies _

  1. polkit
  2. nitrogen ( if not installed this script will auto install )
  3. wget ( if not installed this script will auto install )

Do you want to Unistall this service completely?

sudo rm -f ~/.local/bin/unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator && sudo rm -f ~/.config/autostart/unsplash_krafi_wallpaper_generator.desktop

not sure, Why you want to remove photos

sudo rm -rf cd ~/Pictures/


This project might not have been done without the ChatGPT AI model, which contributed invaluable support. We appreciate and thank ChatGPT's contributions to this project.

We also thanks the Unsplash API for supplying access to the high-quality photographs utilized in this project.


The GNU General Public License v3.0 applies to this project. Please consult the LICENSE file in the repository's root directory for further details.


While we consider the code in this repository is generally safe, it is supplied "unsplash krafi wallpaper generator" with no express or implied warranties. The authors of this code are not held accountable for any harm or liabilities incurred by the use or abuse of this code. By using this code, users are responsible for ensuring that they comply with all relevant laws, rules, or policies.

It should be noted that this software does not require root access to execute, reducing the possibility of unintended consequences. None the less, by using this code, you consent to shouldering all costs and obligations connected with its use, and you agree to indemnify and keep the authors of this code blameless from any claims, damages, or other liabilities that may occur as a result of your use of this code.

Thank You

Thank you for applying this code! We hope it is valuable to you and that you are going to employ it in your own projects.

Please email me if you have any thoughts, problems, or recommendations for improvement. We respect your feedback and would appreciate hearing from you.

I would also appreciate it if you could give us credit by mentioning or referring to our project in your own work. This allows us to continue creating and enhancing this code while also allowing other people to find it.

Thank you for your continued support and for selecting our code!

** deep documentation on my website !**

Have a great Life, thank you for using