⚠️ Archive Notice 📚 2024/09

This repo contains my first website, built with Flask and hosted at connorData.Science. It was my initial dive into web development, which turned out to be more engaging than I anticipated.

🔧 Initially, I wasn’t keen on web development, but this project changed my mind. I started with Flask to leverage my Python skills and attempted to manage multiple web apps with an application dispatcher. I never did finish my Covid data viz project though!

🧠 I've moved on to Next.js and TypeScript, which are more suited for web development than Python, which I found limiting. Python has too many niggles that don't quite do it for me.

🌍 This project really opened my eyes to the whole tech stack. It's made me want to get good at everything, anything from frontend tweaks to backend, all the way to machine learning. My self-set goal (maybe a bit of a pipe dream) is to become a polymath in programming, good at everything. I know it's pretty crazy but would be so damn cool and I might as well aim high.

I still have a personal website hosted at connorData.Science. I'm not open sourcing the code yet though, because my property! >:(

Not done much web dev, please don't judge! ;P

Getting Started

All Flask code is stored in app.py. All the HTML files are in templates/ and all JS/CSS in static/


All of the requirements my website depends on is stored in requirements.txt, installable via:

pip install -r requirements.txt


All you need to do to run it is to execute app.py. If not, then a simple

export FLASK_APP=app.py && flask run

is all you need to get this project running.

Follow the URL outputted in the terminal to access the local web server.

Built with

  • Flask - Web Server
  • Bootstrap - Responsive CSS Framework
  • Bootstrap Studio - Editor for Bootstrap