
SharepointPlus ($SP) is a JavaScript library which offers some extended features for SharePoint entirely on client side (requires no server install). $SP will simplify your interactions with the Sharepoint Web Services and will help you to deal with the List Forms.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Average time to resolve an issue Percentage of issues still open

SharepointPlus ($SP) is a JavaScript library which offers some extended features for SharePoint entirely on client side (requires no server install). $SP will simplify your interactions with the Sharepoint Web Services and will help you to deal with the List Forms.

Other JavaScript library like this one are often complex, with few or no example. With SharepointPlus it's easy (like the SQL syntax) and you'll find examples for each method.

See: http://aymkdn.github.com/SharepointPlus/