
Javascript module for SMSHub API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting Started


To use SMSHUB in your project, run:

npm i smshub


yarn add smshub


How to use

const SMShub = require('smshub');
const sms = new SMShub({
  url: 'https://smshub.org/stubs/handler_api.php', 
  token: 'TOKEN'
(async() => {
 //Set default price, country, and activate random number
 //Service - vk, max price - 0.67 RUB, random number - true, country - 0
 await sms.setParams('vk', '0.67', true,  0);
 await sms.operatorAndCountryChange('mts', 0);
 //Logging List Of Countries And Operators
 await sms.getListOfCountriesAndOperators().then(console.log);
 const balance = await sms.getBalance();
 if(balance > 0){
    const {id, number} = await sms.getNumber('vk', 0);
    console.log('Number ID:', id);
    console.log('Number:', number);
    //Set "message has been sent" status
    await sms.setStatus(id, 1);
    //Wait for code
    await sms.getCode(id).then(async({id, code}) => {
       console.log('Code:', code);
       await sms.setStatus(id, 6); //Accept, end
 } else console.log('No money');

All errors can be caught via catch

Promise getNumber(service, country)

 {id: ID, number: NUMBER} - Success.
 {type: 'api', country: COUNTRY, service: SERVICE} //Api error (error codes here https://smshub.org/main#getNumbers)
 {type: 'request', country: COUNTRY, service: SERVICE} //Request 

Promise setStatus(numberID, statusID)

 {data: DATA} // Success, `DATA` - status code from SMSHub
 {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE, id: NUMBERID} //Api error (error codes here https://smshub.org/main#setStatus)
 {type: 'request', id: NUMBERID} //Request error

Promise getCode(numberID)

 {code: CODE, id: NUMBERID} //Success
 {type: 'status', error: 'STATUS_CANCEL', id: NUMBERID} // if number cancelled
 {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE, id: NUMBERID} // Api error (error codes here https://smshub.org/main#getStatus)
 {type: 'request', id: NUMBERID} //Request error

Promise getBalance()

 {balance: BALANCE} - Success. BALANCE - float
 {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE} //Api error (error codes here https://smshub.org/main#getBalance)
 {type: 'request'} //Request error

Promise getNumbersStatusAndCostHubFree() !!!UNOFFICIAL HIDDEN METHOD!!!

 Object - Success.
 {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE} //Api error
 {type: 'request'} //Request error

Promise setParams(service, maxPrice, random = true, country = 0) !!!UNOFFICIAL HIDDEN METHOD!!!

 {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE}// Api error
 {type: 'request'} //Request error

Promise getCurrentActivations() !!!UNOFFICIAL HIDDEN METHOD!!!

   {data: DATA} //Success.
   {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE} //Api error
   {type: 'request'} //Request error

Promise getListOfCountriesAndOperators() !!!UNOFFICIAL HIDDEN METHOD!!!

This method returns list of countries and orerators and current setted country/operator

currentOperator & currentCountry is null if token is wrong

   {status: 'success', services: {...}, data:[ {}, {},  ],  currentOperator: 'OPERATOR NAME', currentCountry: 'COUNTRY ID'} //Success.
   {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE} //Api error
   {type: 'request'} //Request error

Promise operatorAndCountryChange(operator = 'any', country = 0, url = 'https://smshub.org/api.php') !!!UNOFFICIAL HIDDEN METHOD!!!

This method change mobile operator setting

WARNING!!! If token is wrong, method returns success status!

   { status: "success", msg: "Оператор успешно изменен" } //Success.
   {type: 'api', error: ERRORCODE} //Api error
   {type: 'request'} //Request error