Hello Grpc..

The repo serves as in grpc experimentation and learning archive Here in this application we try to have one grpc server and multiple client interacting with it.

  • server
    • Records the max score of a player and update it realtime to a dashboard client
  • players
    • The players roll for a number and update the server if a number is taken
  • server
    • the roller will get the available pool from the serer and allocates number to a player.
    • This should not allot repeated numbers.


running protoc compiler to generate go program

The following command can be used to generate go program from the protofiles

protoc --go_out=./game --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --go-grpc_out=./game --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \


Medium Docs on HTTP2 Protobuf guide to generate go functions go package from protobuf example for developing basic protobuf Generate code reference from grpc different grpc communication definition noted on http/grpc