
Utility to download a specified set of resources from a specified webpage.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Utility to download a specified set of resources from a specified webpage.


This utility was largely born out of a desire to quickly download a set of files, whose links/URLs are available in an existing webpage, encapsulated in <a> tags. Two typical use-cases for this utility are:

  • download all the research papers (.pdfs) in a lit-reivew posted on single web-page;
  • download all lectures (.pdfs or .ppts) posted on a class website.

Why the name "bookworm"?

Because the original intent of this project was to basically dig through and fetch reading material like lecture notes or research papers from a given webpage. And so bookworm made a certain amount of sense. However, I realize (and admit) that the "worm" metaphor does not make sense with the ideas of "fetching" or "downloading" the reading material.

Why Java?

Because, I am an avid Java programmer and Eclipse was already open when i decided to whip this up. I would probably want to redo this in a scripting language, but this works for me -- at the moment.

Download, Build and Usage Instructions

Download: git clone https://github.com/VijayKrishna/bookworm.git && cd bookworm

Building: Download and use Maven to build this project with the following command: mvn compile


mvn exec:java -Pbookworm -Dworm.page=<webpage to be parsed for HREFs>\
-Dworm.downloads=<path to downloads directory>\
-Dworm.extn=<wildcard of the downloadable file-extensions>


Open an issue for getting in touch with me about bugs, design ideas or feature requests. And I am also open to pull requests that are preceeded by an open issue in this project (one that you likely opened).

I am also available via email at vpalepu [at] uci [dot] edu.


The code in this project is licensed under the MIT License. Check the file named "LICENSE" for more details.