This is the source of my personal website using the static website generator Jekyll. It was a fun project to work on, especially on a tierd evening.
The site structure is as follows:
|-- _config.yml #configurations for building the site
|-- _layouts #templates for the different kinds of pages and posts
| |-- default.html #template for the pages (i.e. non blog-posts)
| `-- post.html #template for the (blog) posts
|-- _posts #this folder needs to be added and all the posts in markdown or textile will go here.
|-- css #the css for the site
|-- images #the images for the site (needs to be added)
|-- index.html #content of the index page
|-- blog.html #content for the blog post listing
|-- news.html #content for the news items
`-- projects.html #content for the project listing
This site is currently hosted at two places: here and here. "Why?" you ask: because I am still trying to decide which is the better place to host it at. So meanwhile, i will choose both.
The following directories and their contents are Copyright Vijay Krishna Palepu. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:
Feel free to use the HTML and CSS as you please.
This site is built using the awesome blog-aware, static site generator