
This is a collection of GitHub repositories that you can use in your coding journey.

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There are amazing resources that are available for code newbies to learn and develop their skills. But I would like to share some Github repos that you can add to get more resources in your coding journey.


Html resources

  • Awesome Html5 resources - This a GitHub repo created to put all the Html5 resources you would need. You will get to learn about accessibility, Semantics, DOM Management, Progressive web apps, Html books, and more.

  • Html list resources - This repo has awesome HTML resources where you can also get links to helpful Html5 books.

  • Html and Css - The repository has amazing resources on HTML & CSS. You can learn things like HTML semantics and front-end architecture, Create a Contact Form in HTML5, What is HTML5 Capable of, Features, and Resources and more resources.

  • Html5 resources - If you want to learn or get started with Html and CSS, this repo will be helpful. It has resources that will help you improve your skills on the basics.

  • HTML5 Boilerplate - HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.

CSS resources

  • Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide - The ultimate style guide from Airbnd on how to format your CSS and Sass.

  • Awesome CSS learning - Have a look at CSS resources to help you in your coding journey. Get to know all about animations, CSS variables, layout, CSS unit, and more.

  • Awesome CSS Grid - Learn about the CSS grid and how you can improve with amazing free resources.

  • Awesome Tailwind Css - Get to learn view and use amazing Tailwind CSS resources, tools, IDE extensions, Templates, Themes, and more.

  • Design resources for developers - This is a great GitHub repo to get all the resources you need to make your website look good. A collection of sites that you can get colors, fonts, UI graphics, icons, React UI, Vue UI, and more.

  • Html and Css - The repository has amazing resources on CSS but also on HTML too. The repository has resources like: What the Heck Is CSS Specificity? , CSS Architectures: New Best Practices, The worst Css practices, CSS techniques you couldn't live without, and more.

  • Html5 resources - As I mentioned above. It has great resources for Html5 but you can learn sass, flexbox, grid, and more.

  • Learning Resource Roadmap - (Front-End Development) - A roadmap filled with HTML, CSS, and Javascript resources and fun projects to help you learn.

  • Web Dev Resources - This is a super comprehensive repository to learn all about the best resources in web development and design!

100 Days of Code - Front End - A repository filled with resources to guide you through the 100 Days of code challenge- front end edition!

Javascript repos

  • Airbnb Javscript Style Guide - The ultimate comprehensive guide to learning and properly styling Javascript.

  • Awesome JS - With this repo, you can get resources and tutorials for Javascript frameworks like Node Js, Angular Js, React Js, and also vanilla Javascript resources.

  • Awesome Javascript - Get to know about Templating Engines, Data Visualization, Reactive Programming, RegExp, API, and more.

  • Awesome Javascript Learning - This repo has a list of only Javascript resources that includes: free Js ebooks, blogs, videos, DOM related resources, Node Js resources, and more.

  • Javascript Stuff - This repo has amazing resources for React resources with a website to easily get them in one place. You can get React starter projects, static site generators, react tutorials, developer tools, and more.

  • You Don't Know JS - In-depth crash course into the world of Javascript.

  • 30 days of JavaScript - 30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.

  • JavaScript algorithms- 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.

  • The AirBnB style guides - This is a great resource for styling your code. This can be one of the most difficult parts organizing developers around a project.

  • JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers - List of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions that will help you get ready for your interview questions.

Vue JS repos

  • Awesome Vue Resources - This widely popular Github repository is jam-packed with awesome vue.js resources. It has everything and more for someone who wants to master vue.js. From tutorials, podcasts, documentations to full projects, code snippets, etc.

  • Vuejs Resources - This Github repository is has valuable vue.js resources. It has tutorials, documentation, libraries & plugins to development tools.

React JS repos

  • Awesome React Resources - This amazing Github repository has great resources that include the React ecosystem. You can fork or star it will be useful in your next project. The repo includes: React tools, React General Resources, React Community, React Online Playgrounds, and React tutorials.

  • Bulletproof React - This repo is a collection of resources and best practices to use when developing React applications. It includes real-world examples while learning about State Management, Testing, Error Handling, and more.

  • 30-Days-of-React - 30 Days of React is step-by-step guide to learn React through projects. These projects are made for both beginner and advanced JS and React developers.

-Reactjs-interview-questions - With over 300 questions, this repo helps prepare React developers for interviews.

Node Js repos

Deno repos

  • DBirb simple API - This is really simple API for SQLite, which is local, file-based database. It's straightforward in usage and for modifications, really simple in understanding how that works. Written in Typescript in Deno (NodeJS alternative)

All in one repos

These are repos that have various resources for multiple programming languages.

  • Awesome Awesomeness - Get resources for all programming languages and get to know about vim, Linux resources, style-guides, Serverless Security, Internet of Things (IoT), DevOps, Design Patterns and more. The list is endless, go check out the repo.

  • Awesome Learning Resources - If you want to get resources on Twilio, TensorFlow, TypeScript, Machine learning, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, and more. This repository will help you.

  • Algo Wiki - This is like a Wikipedia repo for nearly all programming languages such as c++, python, Javascript, Rust, PHP, Java, and more. You can also get algorithms, machine learning, competitive programming, and more.

  • Front-end checklist - This repository has is a checklist for steps you should take before you launch your website. It includes resources to check your website performance, accessibility, SEO, and more.

  • Free for devs - You will get amazing resources to help you build websites from the ground up. Examples: Tools for Teams and Collaboration, CI and CD, Testing, Security and PKI, Management System, and more.

  • Front-end resources - This amazing repo has amazing CSS resources, platforms to learning code, youtube channels you should follow, blogs to follow, and VsCode extension to install to make your life easier.

  • Fullstackopen - A wonderful free course that serves as an introduction to modern web application development with JavaScript. Participants are expected to have good programming skills, basic knowledge of web programming and databases, and to know the basics of working with the Git version-control system. It contains guided exercises that are to be submitted to github.

  • List - A great repository for learning web development on a deeper level. It has a wide list of resources of front-end developer interviews, companies you can easily apply to, BEM resources, ES6 learning resources, Blockchain & cryptocurrency resources, and more.

  • The Odin Project - This repo will provide you a meticulously guided path to learning full stack with several projects that will help you build a strong portfolio of work on Github and stay connected to other students taking the course. This website and the curriculum it hosts are completely open source, so anyone can work on new features or fix existing bugs on the website.

  • Ultimate Coding Resources List - This is a collection of the best resources for programming, web development, computer science and more.

Flask Repos

  • Awesome Flask - A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins.

React Native Resources Repos

  • NativeBase component library for React & React Native- NativeBase is a mobile-first, accessible component library for building a consistent design system across android, iOS & web.

  • React Native UI Kitten- React Native UI Kitten allows you to boost the development of a mobile app. There is a huge variety of customizable layouts, use “as is” or add new blocks. Over 40 screens in dark and light themes give you the possibility to create a bright and exclusive app while saving your time on compiling numerous details.

  • React Native Extended StyleSheet- Drop-in replacement of React Native StyleSheet with media-queries, variables, dynamic themes, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other styling stuff.

  • React Native TailwindCss - Easily apply styles to react native components in a tailwindCSS-like fashion. The utility classes are transformed to valid object names and are all children of an object ( t, tw, theme or tailwind).

  • React Native Css - React-native-css turns valid CSS into the Facebook subset of CSS.

  • React Native Developer Roadmap - React Native resources that will introduce you to React Native and give you some insights about the React Native ecosystem.

  • Awesome React Native - Awesome React Native is an awesome style list that curates the best React Native libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.

  • React Native Resources - A curated list of React Native resources to help you build your next app with ease.

  • React Native Learnings Resources - A dedicated repository for learning React Native, packed with valuable resources to accelerate your journey.

How to contribute

All the contributions to add useful Github repositories with important and useful resources are welcomed. Please read the Contribution guidelines for steps to take to accomplish a successful Pull request.

Thank you for your contribution

Jane Tracy Muthoni
Sitaraman S
Dhruvil Trivedi
Michele Marschner
Prathamesh Borse
Deepak Talan