
Corona virus, one of the biggest pandemic that has stunned the whole world to danger. The #1 trending News, currently. This program fetches and shows the live covid data.


The code is organized into 2 sections - Scraping data, Plotting data. It focuses on scraping data from a well reknowned and reliable source, worldometers. The webpage is requested from the server using 'requests' library. The tabular data is scraped using 'BeautifulSoup' library, stored as CSV using 'pandas' dataframe, plotted as pie graph using 'matplotlib' and 'numpy'. Then operations are performed on the stored data. The Covid data is visualized as pie graph, country wise. Reload functionality ensures that live data of that particular instance is scraped, upon manual reloading.

GUI - Tkinter


pip install tk
pip install requests
pip install bs4
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib

Stay home, Stay safe!