
C51 using symfony and vue

Basic Requirements

Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04. Later releases of Ubuntu may also be compatible with these instructions.

Install/configure the following applications:

git config --global user.name "FirstName LastName"
git config --global user.email "my@example.com"


Get the code and get set up:

git https://github.com/Vikas14Web/c51_sym.git
cd c51_sym

# Run 
docker-compose up -d

To bash into the main docker

docker-compose exec app bash

Running Tests

You may now run those scripts by using composer csfix, composer cscheck and composer phpstan!

csfix: this script will try to fix as many errors as possible
cscheck: this script will checks potential errors in your code
composer phpstan: PHPStan focuses on finding errors in your code without actually running it