
This repo is aimed at learning the basics of big-data shell data processing using the bash commands.


Powershell Commands:

 mkdir - Used to create a new directories.
 cd - Used to chnage the current woking directory.
 ni - Used to create a new item.
 ls- Used to list the files and directories within the file system.

Curl data:

curl "yourlongurl" -O 
  • This is the curl command I used to get my data.
curl "http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/full.html" -O "data.txt"

Bash Commands:

  • Transform each space ' ' into a return character '\12'
tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile
  • Pipe the output to sort
tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile | sort
  • Pipe the sorted output to uniq -c to count
tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile | sort | uniq -c
  • Pipe the reduced output to sort with -nr flag
tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
  • Redirect the output to result.txt
tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > result.txt
  • The bash up arrow will return the previous command.
  • -n flag means --numeric-sort. Compares according to string numerical value.
  • -r means --reverse. Reverses the result of comparisons.
  • For a single letter flag we will use a single dash(-) and if it has more than one letter then we use (--).