Data Scientist @ Great Learning || Specialized in AI/MLOps || Mentor-Data Science
Great LearningBangalore
Pinned Repositories
Detecting Credit Card Fraud
Repository containing case studies on the supervised learning regression, classification, and unsupervised learning clustering. Each and every case study will be having different approaches.
Repository Containing of mini projects and iPython notebooks of Exploratory data analysis on different datasets completed by me for academic purpose and self Learning. Presented in iPython Notebooks.
Repository Containing Basic MySQL concepts such as DDL commands DML commands, DQL commands, DCL, TCL commands. This repository includes MySQL workbooks which I have covered for my academics and self-learning purpose.
Repository Containing different Concepts of Statistics for data science and machine learning Covered by me for the academic purpose and self Learning. This Repository includes Tests of Hypothesis such as One sample Z-test, Two sample Z-test, One sample T-test, Two sample T-test, Z-propotion test, Paired T-test, Unpaired T-test, Chi square test for goodness of fit & chi square test for Independence, One-way Anova and Two-way Anova test and test to check normality of the data using shapiro test, and to check variances using Levene test.
Repository containing Supervised Learning Classification Concepts, Case studies, different classification models and this includes Logistic regression models, ensemble technique, bagging models & boosting models and stacked models and measuring the performance of the model using various model performance evaluation metrics.
Repository Contains Mini projects & Case studies of Supervised Learning Regression Covered by me for the academic purpose and self Learning. This Repository includes concepts such as Bivariate and Multivariate Regression, Ordinary Least Square Method(OLS), Measures of Variation, Assumptions in Linear Regression model, Model Evaluation and Model performance metrics, Transformation techniques, Feature Engineering, Feature selection, Forward selection, Backward selection, Recursive Feature Elimination, Cross-Validation, K-Fold CV, Gradient Descent, Regualrization methods such as Ridge, Lasso and elastic Net. GridSearchCV.
Repository consisting of the Tableau workbooks. In this, I have worked on different datasets to improve my visualization skills and I have worked with various kinds of graphs, I have created Dashboards and stories of different combinations. All of this is completed by me for academics and self Learning purpose.
Repository containing Unsupervised Learning Concepts, Case studies & mini projects Covered by me for academic purpose and self Learning. This Repository includes Unsupervised Learning concepts such as KMeans Clustering, Agglomerative clustering/Hierarchical clustering and after building the clustering models comparison of the models by building Various classification models and comparing the models by different model performance evaluation metrics
VikasHM66's Repositories
Repository Containing of mini projects and iPython notebooks of Exploratory data analysis on different datasets completed by me for academic purpose and self Learning. Presented in iPython Notebooks.
Repository Containing different Concepts of Statistics for data science and machine learning Covered by me for the academic purpose and self Learning. This Repository includes Tests of Hypothesis such as One sample Z-test, Two sample Z-test, One sample T-test, Two sample T-test, Z-propotion test, Paired T-test, Unpaired T-test, Chi square test for goodness of fit & chi square test for Independence, One-way Anova and Two-way Anova test and test to check normality of the data using shapiro test, and to check variances using Levene test.
Detecting Credit Card Fraud
Repository containing case studies on the supervised learning regression, classification, and unsupervised learning clustering. Each and every case study will be having different approaches.
Repository Containing Basic MySQL concepts such as DDL commands DML commands, DQL commands, DCL, TCL commands. This repository includes MySQL workbooks which I have covered for my academics and self-learning purpose.
Repository containing Supervised Learning Classification Concepts, Case studies, different classification models and this includes Logistic regression models, ensemble technique, bagging models & boosting models and stacked models and measuring the performance of the model using various model performance evaluation metrics.
Repository Contains Mini projects & Case studies of Supervised Learning Regression Covered by me for the academic purpose and self Learning. This Repository includes concepts such as Bivariate and Multivariate Regression, Ordinary Least Square Method(OLS), Measures of Variation, Assumptions in Linear Regression model, Model Evaluation and Model performance metrics, Transformation techniques, Feature Engineering, Feature selection, Forward selection, Backward selection, Recursive Feature Elimination, Cross-Validation, K-Fold CV, Gradient Descent, Regualrization methods such as Ridge, Lasso and elastic Net. GridSearchCV.
Repository consisting of the Tableau workbooks. In this, I have worked on different datasets to improve my visualization skills and I have worked with various kinds of graphs, I have created Dashboards and stories of different combinations. All of this is completed by me for academics and self Learning purpose.
Repository containing Unsupervised Learning Concepts, Case studies & mini projects Covered by me for academic purpose and self Learning. This Repository includes Unsupervised Learning concepts such as KMeans Clustering, Agglomerative clustering/Hierarchical clustering and after building the clustering models comparison of the models by building Various classification models and comparing the models by different model performance evaluation metrics
Repository Containing Advanced MySQL concepts such as Subqueries and window functions This repository includes MySQL workbooks which I have covered for my academics and self-learning purpose