
Inventory Manager is a webApp to manage inventory items in an organization where users could request for an item to the admin or manager. A front-end app built with AngularJS (RESTful APIs) and Angular Material.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Inventory Manager


Inventory manager is a web application to manage hardware items of any organization. Every item of inventory can either be returnable or non-returnable. Items can be created and updated in the system by either manager or admin. The items would also be shareable or non - shareable. Users would be of three types: Admin, Inventory Manager and Member of inventory. Admin and Managers are also a member of that inventory. All users would have access to the system with access to specific pages and specific functionalities based on their type.

Backend - https://github.com/VikasKumarRoy/Inventory-Manager-API


  • Profile Page


  • Item List/Group Page

Item List
Item Group List

  • Item Create Page

Item Create

  • Request Page


  • History Page
