
ES6 Class to read .warc or .warc.gz file member by member in nodejs

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • Intro

    warc-reader is a ES6 Class which returns an iterable to iterater over content in a .warc or .warc.gz file member by member using .next() method or for..of loop.

  • Install

    npm install git+https://github.com/Vikasg7/warc-reader.git

  • Syntax

    const reader: WarcReader = new WarcReader(_fileOrFd: string | number, _isGzip?: boolean, _startAt?: number, _chunkSize?: number)
    const iterable = reader.entries()
  • Usage (in TypeScript)

    import { WarcReader, WarcHeaders, WarcRecord } from "warc-reader"
    const file = process.argv[2]
    const reader = new WarcReader(file).entries()
    const loop = setInterval(() => {
       const {done, value} = reader.next()
       if (!done) {
          const {version, headers: WarcHeaders, content} = <WarcRecord>value
       } else {
    }, 1)
  • Example

    Check the tests folder in src folder for an example.