
Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • Create a repository

  • Initialize the repository (npm init)

  • node_modules, package.json, package-lock.json

  • Install express

  • Create a server

  • Listen to port 7777

  • Write request handlers for /test , /hello

  • Install nodemon and update scripts inside package.json

  • What are dependencies

  • What is the use of "-g" while npm install

  • Difference between caret and tilde ( ^ vs ~ )

  • initialize git

  • .gitignore

  • Create a remote repo on github

  • Push all code to remote origin

  • Play with routes and route extensions ex. /hello, / , hello/2, /xyz

  • Order of the routes matter a lot

  • Install Postman app and make a workspace/collectio > test API call

  • Write logic to handle GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE API Calls and test them on Postman

  • Explore routing and use of ?, + , (), * in the routes

  • Use of regex in routes /a/ , /.*fly$/

  • Reading the query params in the routes

  • Reading the dynamic routes

  • Multiple Route Handlers - Play with the code

  • next()

  • next function and errors along with res.send()

  • app.use("/route", rH, [rH2, rH3], rH4, rh5);

  • What is a Middleware? Why do we need it?

  • How express JS basically handles requests behind the scenes

  • Difference app.use and app.all

  • Write a dummy auth middleware for admin

  • Write a dummy auth middleware for all user routes, except /user/login

  • Error Handling using app.use("/", (err, req, res, next) = {});

  • Create a free cluster on MongoDB official website (Mongo Atlas)

  • Install mongoose library

  • Connect your application to the Database "Connection-url"/devTinder

  • Call the connectDB function and connect to database before starting application on 7777

  • Create a userSchema & user Model

  • Create POST /sigup API to add data to database

  • Push some documents using API calls from postman

  • Error Handling using try , catch

  • JS object vs JSON (difference)

  • Add the express.json middleware to your app

  • Make your signup API dynamic to recive data from the end user

  • User.findOne with duplucate email ids, which object returned

  • API- Get user by email

  • API - Feed API - GET /feed - get all the users from the database

  • API - Get user by ID

  • Create a delete user API

  • Difference between PATCH and PUT

  • API - Update a user

  • Explore the Mongoose Documention for Model methods

  • What are options in a Model.findOneAndUpdate method, explore more about it

  • API - Update the user with email ID

  • Explore schematype options from the documention

  • add required, unique, lowercase, min, minLength, trim

  • Add default

  • Create a custom validate function for gender

  • Improve the DB schema - PUT all appropiate validations on each field in Schema

  • Add timestamps to the userSchema

  • Add API level validation on Patch request & Signup post api

  • DATA Sanitizing - Add API validation for each field

  • Install validator

  • Explore validator library funcation and Use vlidator funcs for password, email, photoURL

  • NEVER TRUST req.body

  • Validate data in Signup API

  • Install bcrypt package

  • Create PasswordHash using bcrypt.hash & save the user is excrupted password

  • Create login API

  • Compare passwords and throw errors if email or password is invalid

  • install cookie-parser

  • just send a dummy cookie to user

  • create GET /profile APi and check if you get the cookie back

  • install jsonwebtoken

  • IN login API, after email and password validation, create e JWT token and send it to user in cookies

  • read the cookies inside your profile API and find the logged in user

  • userAuth Middleware

  • Add the userAuth middle ware in profile API and a new sendConnectionRequest API

  • Set the expiry of JWT token and cookies to 7 days

  • Create userSchema method to getJWT()

  • Create UserSchema method to comparepassword(passwordInputByUser)

  • Explore tinder APIs

  • Create a list all API you can think of in Dev Tinder

  • Group multiple routes under repective routers

  • Read documentation for express.Router

  • Create routes folder for managing auth,profile, request routers

  • create authRouter, profileRouter, requestRouter

  • Import these routers in app.js

  • Create POST /logout API

  • Create PATCH /profile/edit

  • Create PATCH /profile/password API => forgot password API

  • Make you validate all data in every POST, PATCH apis

  • Create Connnection Request Schema

  • Send Connection Request API

  • Proper validation of Data

  • Think about ALL corner cases

  • $or query $and query in mongoose - https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query-logical/

  • schema.pre("save") function

  • Read more about indexes in MongoDB

  • Why do we need index in DB?

  • What is the advantages and disadvantage of creating?

  • Read this arcticle about compond indexes - https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-compound/


  • Write code with proper validations for POST /request/review/:status/:requestId

  • Thought process - POST vs GET

  • Read about ref and populate https://mongoosejs.com/docs/populate.html

  • Create GET /user/requests/received with all the checks

  • Create GET GET /user/connections

  • Logic for GET /feed API

  • Explore the $nin , $and, $ne and other query operatorators

  • Pagination