
Get the latest exchange rates

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CurrencyRates API

The CurrencyRates API is a simple RESTful API that uses Nodejs for the HTTP server and a third-party API exchangeratesapi.io which is used for getting latest exchange rate for for specific currencies against a base currency. Currencies are represented by their 3-lettered symbol e.g GBP, USD.

Using the API

You can access the live API on Heroku using https://intense-ravine-77632.herokuapp.com/ as the base URI (e.g https://intense-ravine-77632.herokuapp.com/api/rates?base=EUR&currency=GBP,USD)

Local Machine

Clone the repository here.

To run the API on the local host, you need to have Nodejs and npm installed installed and running.

In the cloned repository directory, run the commands:

  1. Install dependencies

$ npm install

  1. Start the application

$ npm start

The API endpoints will then be exposed on:


(e.g localhost:3000/api/rates?base=EUR&currency=GBP,USD)

(Note that the API does not currently support all currencies. The API notifies you if a given base currency is not supported)