
Simple TCP over Websocket tunneling

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Simple TCP over Websocket tunneling

Why TCP over Websocket

Some crappy networks only allow HTTP(S). This small program allows you to tunnel anything in HTTP(S).

Note that the URL path is always /, the server does not support SSL/TLS out of the box and there is one remote TCP address per instance. This is done on purpose as this program is intended to be run behind a reverse proxy.


Having a working Golang environment:

go install github.com/trazfr/tcp-over-websocket@latest


Server side

The server listens for Websocket inbound connections. Each time a client is connected, the server opens a new TCP connection to the remote service.

Example: ssh to github

# on server example.org
tcp-over-websocket server -listen_ws :8080 -remote_tcp github.com:22

Client side

The client opens a TCP connection and creates a Websocket connection toward a tcp-over-websocket server each time a TCP connection is accepted.

Example: open a tunnel to the server

# on the client, target the previous server on example.org
tcp-over-websocket client -listen_tcp :1234 -remote_ws ws://example.org:8080/

To use the tunnel, one may only run ssh -p 1234 on the client.

Note about reverse proxy usage

tcp-over-websocket does not support SSL/TLS on server side. To be able to host a website and several tunnel servers at the same place, one may configure an HTTP reverse proxy.

Let's assume we want to serve the previous server on SSL/TLS on the URL wss://example.org/github-ssh/.

Using a similar configuration, one NGINX instance may be the reverse proxy for several tunnels for different services by changing the URL.

NGINX as reverse proxy

NGINX configuration extract:

http {
    map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
        default upgrade;
        '' close;

    server {
        listen 443 ssl default_server;
        listen [::]:443 default_server ipv6only=on ssl;
        server_name example.org;
        // put here the SSL/TLS configuration

        location = /github-ssh/ {
            limit_except GET {
                deny all;
            // for "tcp-over-websocket server-listen_ws -remote_tcp github.com:22"
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
        // TODO configure different locations to different instances of tcp-over-websocket

To connect from the client, the command is like this:

tcp-over-websocket client -listen_tcp :1234 -remote_ws wss://example.org/github-ssh/


Prometheus service

The tcp-over-websocket server hosts a Prometheus service. It only exposes some basic metrics.

curl http://example.org:8080/metrics