
Nuxt-only working repository until we can get Serverless running.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Adventure Library Nuxt

Public Site

npm i
npm run dev

Admin Site

npm run dev-admin


npm i
npm run build
npm start


A "module" represents a grouping of logic and components, generally related to a specific data item: User, Asset, Bundle, etc.

Each module folder has TypeScript code in its root, and Vue components in a components folder.

A rule of thumb for where a file pertaining to a module should go is:

  • Is it a page someone should be able to navigate to? If yes, it's probably meant to go in the pages directory explained below.
  • Does it render a Vue template or HTML onto the page? If yes, it should be a .vue file in components.
  • Is it TypeScript logic that could be used regardless of framework? If yes, it should be a .ts file in the module's root.


The pages folder is used to generate the routes of the site. A file at pages/users.vue will be available at the route /users

Folder structure is preserved. Files named index.vue will serve as folder indexes.

Using a _ before the filename enables route param support. A file at pages/asset/_slug.vue will accept routes like asset/some-art and the value "some-art" will be available in the routes "params".

EC2 Instance Deployment

https://testing.adventurelibrary.art points to an Amazon EC2 instance that is running our Nuxt project.


The Nuxt instance is started with systemd.

The configuration file for the nuxt instance is here /lib/systemd/system/testing.adventurelibrary.art.service

After making changes to that config file you need to run sudo systemctl daemon-reload.

Restart the service: sudo systemctl restart testing.adventurelibrary.art.service

You can view logs of the Nuxt project with: journalctl -b -f -n 100


The server is configured with nginx to forward the port 80 from testing.adventurelibrary.art to the port that Nuxt is running on.

Edit config: sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Test config to check for errors: sudo nginx -t

Restart nginx: sudo nginx -s reload

Automated Deploy on EC2

The following scripts need to exist in the same directory as the Nuxt folder. For example: "/home/ec2-user/site"


cd /home/ec2-user/site
git pull origin master
npm install
npm run build
sudo systemctl restart testing.adventurelibrary.art.service



cd /home/ec2-user/site



echo "Last log: $LAST_LOG"

git fetch origin master
git log -n 1 --pretty=short > $CURR_FILE


echo "Curr Log: $CURR_LOG"

if [ "$LAST_LOG" = "$CURR_LOG" ]; then
        echo "No changes"
        echo "Log has changed! Time to redeploy."
        echo "Saving current log to prev-log.txt"
        cp ./curr-log.txt ./prev-log.txt
        echo "Running redeploy script"
        sh ./deploy.sh
        echo "Done running deploy script"

You must run chmod +x {file} on each so that they can be executed.

You can manually redeploy by running ./deploy.sh in the site folder.

Redeploy Cronjob

Run crontab -e to edit the crontab, then add this line:

*/5 * * * * /home/ec2-user/site/deploy-checker.sh to check for new code every 5 minutes.

If you want to change the timing, here are some examples: https://crontab.guru/examples.html

You can view the logs with: tail /var/spool/mail/ec2-user -n 200