
Easy to switch several Map SDKs in a project

Primary LanguageObjective-C

##VKMapManager ###There are many map SDKs for developers to use, but in some circumstance we may have to use multipy Map SDKs in a single project.

####This project is used to add BaiduMap SDK and GoogleMap SDK to your project with the same and easy API.

根据平台返回相应的mapview实例 Return the mapview depending on the platform.

@property(nonatomic,readonly,nonnull)UIView *mapview;

百度地图的委托方法 MapviewDelegate for BaiduMapSDK


谷歌地图的委托方法 MapviewDelegate for GoogleMapSDK


设置平台,默认百度地图. Set the platform,Default is BaiduMap

@property(nonatomic,assign)VKMapPlatform platform;

设置地图类型. Set the map type.

@property(nonatomic,assign)VKMapType mapType;

设置缩放等级 Set the zoom level.

@property(nonatomic,assign)float zoomLevel;

设置显示用户位置. Enable showing user location

@property(nonatomic,assign)BOOL userLocationEnable;

Register API Key for Google Map SDK

+(BOOL)registerGoogleMapWithAPIKey:(nullable NSString*)apikey;


+(void)registerBaiduMapWithAPIKey:(nullable NSString *)apikey;

+(nullable VKMapManager*)sharedObject;

*添加单个路径点并绘制.Add a point to the path and draw the path.

-(void)addPoint:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate andOptions:(nullable NSDictionary*)options;

*添加多个路径点并绘制.Add points to the path and draw the path.

-(void)addPoints:(nullable CLLocationCoordinate2D*)coordinates andOptions:(nullable NSDictionary*)options;

####Still developing.....