

I only discovered this challenge on day 2 (2nd November 2022), but I'm planning to give them all a go anyway! You can find all my code here in this repo, but feel free to follow my progress on my socials:

Interactive maps can be found on my 30 Day Map Challenge site

Day 1 ¦ Day 2 ¦ Day 3 ¦ Day 4 ¦ Day 5 ¦ Day 6 ¦ Day 7 ¦ Day 8 ¦ Day 9 ¦ Day 10

Day 11 ¦ Day 12 ¦ Day 13 ¦ Day 14 ¦ Day 15 ¦ Day 16 ¦ Day 17 ¦ Day 18 ¦ Day 19 ¦ Day 20

Day 21 ¦ Day 22 ¦ Day 23 ¦ Day 24 ¦ Day 25 ¦ Day 26 ¦ Day 27 ¦ Day 28 ¦ Day 29 ¦ Day 30

Skills and Technologies Used During the Challenge

New Languages and Software:

  • Aerailod
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Inkscape
  • Mapbox Studio
  • Prettymapp
  • QGIS

Daily Themes:

  1. Points

Green world map with orange points at the locations of all the volcanoes of the world in 2021


To plot the locations of volcanoes around the world.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Goal was for map to be more functional than artistic.
  • Used orange instead of red for points to make the map more colour blind friendly.
  • Volcano data is from 2021 so the map could be improved by repeating with more up to date data.

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  1. Lines

Map showing lines following the water courses for all the rivers on the island of Great Britain


Make a pretty map of rivers in the UK

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Goal was for the map to be more artistic than functional.
  • Could have experimented with the colour of the hydronodes to make them more visible on a dark background.
  • Map could be improved by smoothing the colour mapping to remove the harsh vertical line change in colour at the Welsh border.

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  1. Polygons

Map showing the wind speed areas in plasma colourmapping across the shapefile layer of the UK (which is cyan)

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Map showing the wind speed areas in plasma colourmapping across the shapefile layer of the UK (which is navy)


To map wind speeds across the UK

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Goal was for the map to be more artistic than functional.
  • No difference in information displayed between the two maps - purely aesthetic changes.
  • Wind speed data doesn't seem to be responding correctly with colour mapping - might be issues with data used (area for improvements).

Day 3 ¦ Back to top

  1. Colour Friday: Green

Interactive Map

Choropleth map showing different levels of deforestation of the Amazon rainforest by state in Brazil


Map land cover changes to a rainforest

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • Python
    • json
    • Pandas
    • Plotly
    • requests

Code and Data:


  • Goal was for map to be more functional than artistic - showing deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest by state within the country of Brazil.
  • Might be more interesting to explore this again with smaller sections for the choropleth overlay (even areas by km2 for example?)

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  1. Ukraine

Map of the outline of the Pripyat River in gold with a royal blue background

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Map showing the streets of Chornobyl in gold on a black background


Map the Chornobyl site and the cool meanders in the Prypiat River

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Goal was for map to be more artistic than functional.
  • Initial hope was to focus on the river specifically but was unsure how to use code to fill the outlines of the water produced by osmnx.
  • Map did not appear very clear with only waterways so new map focusing on streets was produced.
  • Could have been improved by overlaying the streets and the water outlines on the same image.
  • Could have also used an illustration software such as Autodesk Sketchbook to fill in the water shapes to make those sections clearer.

Day 5 ¦ Back to top

  1. Network

Map of the bicycle lanes in Amsterdam colour coded by length in shades of blue and purple on a black background


Map the cycle network of Amsterdam

Key Skills/Technologies used:



  • Goal was for map to be more artistic than functional.
  • The colour of each bike lane was determined by its length.

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  1. Raster

DEM File of the mountains around the eastern Lesotho border in blues and pinks with a red contour overlay

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Hillshade map of the mountains around the eastern Lesotho border in blues and pinks

Day 7 ¦ Back to top

Hillshade map cropped to the Mafadi mountain using the viridis colourmap


Map the mountains around Mafadi on the South Africa/Lesotho border.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • Python
    • matplotlib
    • numpy
    • osgeo
      • gdal
    • rasterio
    • subprocess
  • QGIS
    • Clipping raster files

Code and Data:


  • Initial attempt had difficulties with installing the required python packages needed to clip the DEM file down to the target (Mafadi mountain). This meant I had to change from making the map any level of functional to artistic.
  • Unhappy with this outcome I tried again the next day by using QGIS to clip the DEM before returning to python to complete the new map.

Day 7 ¦ Back to top

  1. Data: OpenStreetMap

Circular shaped map in shades of blue and purple depicting Spaghetti Junction in Birmingham (UK)


Use Prettymaps to plot somewhere that looks interesting from above.

Technologies used:



  • Prettymaps appears to have a common problem where it cannot be installed however someone has built a web app based on the package (Prettymapp).
  • Used the web app to build the map which focuses on Spaghetti Junction, Birmingham.
  • No code used however above file details settings used in the web app to reproduce this map.

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  1. Space

Map showing all the stars from earth and some galaxies in the visible range in shades of blue and purple dependent on object size


Drawing Inspiration from Eleanor Lutz, produce a map of all the stars that can be seen from earth

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:



  • Map was aimed at being largely artistic over functional - however stars and Messier objects are size arranged by magnitude, or the relative brightness as seen from Earth.
  • Colours are purely aesthetic.

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  1. A bad map

Interactive Map

Map of the world using the conic equal area projection in white and grey with the UK in orange. Map title reads "Countries where it is Illegal to Suspiciously Handle Fish"


Plot countries where suspicious handling of fish is a legal offence

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


In 1986 the UK introduced the Salmon Act which makes it illegal to "handle salmon suspiciously". There is in fact a valid reason for this slightly eccentric sounding law but I thought it would be fun to use it as the basis of my map.

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  1. Colour Friday: Red


Map of the world in various shades of red according to how highly Taylor Swift's "Red (Taylor's Version)" album peaked in the national charts


Map popularity of "Red (Taylors Version)" by country

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Goal was for map to be more functional than arty.
  • Could be improved by adjusting colour mapping to better handle outliers.
  • Originally wanted to scrape Spotify to see streaming data but was unsure how to break it down by country/region.

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  1. Scale

Map showing the size of the smallest country in the world (the Vatican City) in comparison to the centre of the capital city of the largest country in the world (Kremlin hill in Moscow, Russia). Title reads "Vatican City area compared with Kremlin Hill - Central Moscow". Annotation reads "Pink polygon shows the full area of the Vatican City - the smallest country in the world, overlayed on top of Kremlin Hill in central Moscow - the capital city of the largest country in the world. Did you know the Vatican is 5707 times smaller than Moscow! At only 0.44km2, it's also nearly 39 million times smaller than Russia which is 17,098242 km2!".


Comparison Map between the smallest country in the world - The Vatican City, and the capital city of the largest country in the world - Moscow, Russia

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • QGIS
    • Polygon shapefile layers
    • Annotations



No coding used for this map.

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  1. 5 minute map

Map showing all the streets of the city of Aberdeen (UK) in red on a black background


Use OpenStreetMap to map an area as fast as I can.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Recycled day 5 code to plot the roads in Aberdeen (Scotland).
  • Aim was art over function.

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  1. Hexagons

Interactive Map Map Interactive Demo Vid Map of north east Scotland in shades of dark grey with hexagons overlayed in shades of gold and brown depicting concentrations of bee sightings within the hexagonal area. Gold dots of approximate sighting locations are also visible


Exploring Hexabin Mapbox and Mapping sightings of bees in North East Scotland in 2011.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Colour scheme influenced by honey.
  • Aim was to be both functional and artistic.
  • Could be improved with more recent data.

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  1. Food/Drink

Hillshade map clipped to the champagne region of France in shades of gold and brown on a grey background with gold "bubbles". Thile reads "Champagne, France"


Produce a hillshade map of the Champagne region of France

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Map is primarily artistic rather than functional.
  • Used Autodesk Sketchbook to manipulate the dimensions of the Champagne region boundary map to match the raster dimensions.
  • Overlayed the manipulated image over the raster in QGIS to create a template for a polygon shapefile layer, which was then used to clip the raster.
  • Transferred clipped raster to python environment to complete the map.
  • Colour scheme extracted from an image of a glass of champagne.

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  1. Minimal

Contour map of the Ochil Hills in Scotland in hot pink on a black background


Make a contour map of the Ochil Hills, Scotland

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • QGIS
    • Contour plotting



  • Raster Source
    • Coordinates used:
      • N: 56.33
      • S: 56.14
      • E: -3.42
      • W: -3.98


  • Could be improved by resampling/filtering the raster to smooth out the contour lines.
  • Was designed to be art over function.

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  1. A map without a computer

Hand drawn map of Carrbridge in Scotland


Hand draw central Carrbridge, Scotland

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • Colour pencils
  • Fine liner
  • Drawing
  • Typography

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  1. Colour Friday: Blue

Interactive Map Blue Friday Custom Base Map

Map centred on the North Atlantic Ocean in shades of dark blue with lines tracking the migration of five tuna fish in lighter shades of blue and purple


Map the migration of bluefin tuna on a blue map.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Separate data set for each fish so only plotted the migration of five fish.
  • Could be improved by including more fish and using more recent data.

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  1. Globe

Map video Map live

Globe showing the earth at night with a stary background. Title reads "Day 19 - Globe" in a dark yellow


use HTML and CSS to build a 3D spinning object of earth at night

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • CSS
    • Animation building
    • Image object manipulation
    • Site background image setting
  • HTML
    • Static website build

Code and Data:


  • Learning CSS and HTML from scratch.
  • Proof of concept idea - could be used again for 3D day or remix day.
  • Aesthetic rather than function.

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  1. "My favourite ..."

Contour map of Skaftafellsjökull in Iceland in light purple on a darker purple background. Light purple north arrow in the bottom left and a scale bar marked "9km". Title reads "Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland"


Produce a contour map of the Skaftafellsjökull Glacier and surrounding area

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • QGIS
    • Contour plotting



  • Raster Source
    • Coordinates used:
      • N: 64.14
      • S: 63.89
      • E: -16.30
      • W: -17.23


  • Found this brief a little difficult as I don't naturally have favourites.
  • Aesthetic over function.

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  1. Data: Kontur Population Dataset

Map/Software Demo Vid !CW! The video does flash and judder as the map renders.

3D population density map of Pretoria

3D population density map of the world

3D population density map of the UK in comparison to Paris, France


Map the population density of Pretoria, South Africa

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • Maps prioritised aesthetic over function.
  • Enjoyed using Aerialod so much that I made extra map.

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  1. NULL

Black and whiter line map showing all the streets of Nulltown Indiana


Use OpenStreetMap to map Nulltown, Indiana

Key Skills/Technologies used:



Null colours for Nulltown.

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  1. Movement

orange dots showing global airport locations on blue background orange lines connecting airports around the world on a blue background orange lines connecting airports around the world on a blue background - taking into consideration the curvature of the earth


Plot world flight paths (inspired by Adam Symington)

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • Python
    • cartopy
    • geopandas
    • matplotlib
    • pandas
    • shapely

Code and Data:


  • Was updated a few days later to take into consideration the curvature of the earth.
  • Cartopy would not install in my conda environment - I had to use mambaforge in order to access the package.

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  1. Fantasy

Light grey island on a purple background with dotted roads and shipping routes


Explore python turtle to randomly generate a base map.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Additional Files:


Accessed canvas output by using a ps to png converter

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  1. Colour Friday: 2 colours

Green and orange map depicting Dogliani, the birthplace of Michele Ferrero who invented the popular sweet - tic tac


Design and build a map themed around orange and green tic tac sweets

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • QGIS
    • Clipping vector files
    • Polygon Shapefile layers



Had to eyeball the vector clipping polygon shape which was based on the outline of the town visible on the OpenStreetMap site as the boundary was not included in the data download.

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  1. Island(s)

Purple topographic hillshade map of La Gomera


Plot an elevation map of La Gomerra.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


More experimentation with the Gaussian filter and different datasets might help to further reduce pixelation of map.

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  1. Music

Interactive Map

pink hexabin plot showing Dolly Parton concert locations between 1972 and 2022


Plot the locations that Dolly Parton has sung on stage.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Code and Data:


  • OpenStreetMap used to find lat/long values for each concert venue.
    • Data goes from 1972 to 2007 - Concert archive has data up until the present but after more than 4 hrs to gather the data for the first 185 concerts, and with another 219 to take me to the present day, it was taking too long to gather the data. Hence the map does not show data from 2008-2022.
  • This map could be really interesting though and the completed dataset is worth sharing on my public dataset repo so I'll probably come back to it.
  • Might also be interesting to play with the hexabin size a bit more.
  • Colour scheme inspired by Dolly Parton's website
  • Might be a cool project so set up a repo for doing these kinds of maps for lots of different artists...

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  1. 3D

Interactive Map

Map illustrating simulated commuter data around Dallas with 3D arcs over a dark map base


Explore pydeck to produce a basic 3D map that could be re-addressed in the "remix" theme.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • Python
    • ipywidgets
    • palettable
    • pandas
    • pydeck *vega_datasets

Code and Data:


This map was entirely about experimentation. Would be much more interesting with real data.

Inspired by Mapzilla Commuter Flowers

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  1. "Out of my comfort zone"

Choropleth Map Showing Population changes by state over the last 20 years


Build a map using R (Health Insurance Coverage 2012-2016 by US County)

Key Skills/Technologies used:

  • R
    • dplyr
    • mapview
    • rio
    • sf
    • tigris

Code and Data:


Following this tutorial Need to figure out how to convert output to html for the website

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  1. Remix

Interactive Map 3d Globe with atmosphere surrounded by stars depicting volcano locations and tectonic plate boundaries


Improve on day 1 map by making it more attractive and including additional data.

Key Skills/Technologies used:

Mapbox Studio


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