by Vikram Melkote
A GraphQL API using node.js and express.js to fetch recent blocks from the EOS blockchain
in project directory:
docker-compose up --build
Navigate to http://localhost:3001/blocks in a web browser
Input query examples:
{ lastBlock { id timestamp txn_count block_num } blocks(numbers: [1, 4]){ id timestamp txn_count block_num } }
{ blocks(numbers: [241, 142, 24]) { id timestamp block_num txn_count ref_block_prefix regions { region cycles_summary { read_locks { account scope } write_locks { account scope } transactions { status id } } } input_transactions { signatures compression hex_data data { expiration region ref_block_num ref_block_prefix packed_bandwidth_words context_free_actions { account name authorization { actor permission } data { to from quantity memo } hex_data } context_free_cpu_bandwidth actions { account name authorization { actor permission } data { to from quantity memo } hex_data } } } } }
... or anything in between, eg:
{ blocks(numbers: [4]) { id block_num timestamp input_transactions { hex_data } } lastBlock{ id block_num } }
docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash
use blocks