Official implementation of the CIKM'23 Full/Long paper: Time-aware Graph Structure Learning via Sequence Prediction on Temporal Graphs. [arXiv]
# python==3.8
pip install torch==1.10.1+cu113 torchvision==0.11.2+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.1 -f
pip install dgl==1.0.0+cu113 -f
pip install scikit-learn
For TGAT, we use the official implementation codes: TGAT
Download the Wikipedia and Reddit datasets from here and Escorts from here. Save the downloaded files in the data/
Run the following commands to pre-process datasets.
# wikipedia
python --dataset wikipedia
# reddit
python --dataset reddit
# escorts
python --dataset escorts
Run the following commands to start training and evaluation.
# wikipedia
python --dataset wikipedia --uniform --agg_method attn --attn_mode prod --cuda 0 --prefix tgat_tgsl_wiki --seed 2023 --tau 0.1 --ratio 0.8 --can_type 1st --can_nn 10 --rnn_layer 3 --coe 0.2 --K 512 --gtau 1.0
# reddit
python --dataset reddit --uniform --agg_method attn --attn_mode prod --cuda 0 --prefix tgat_tgsl_reddit --seed 2023 --tau 0.1 --ratio 0.4 --can_type 1st --can_nn 20 --rnn_layer 1 --coe 0.2 --K 512 --gtau 1.0
# escorts
python --dataset escorts --uniform --agg_method attn --attn_mode prod --cuda 0 --prefix tgat_tgsl_escorts --seed 2023 --tau 0.1 --ratio 0.064 --can_type 3rd --can_nn 5 --rnn_layer 1 --coe 0.7 --K 512 --gtau 1.0
For GraphMixer, we use DyGLib to implement TGSL under both transductive and inductive settings.
GraphMixer official implementation: GraphMixer
The same as TGAT + TGSL.
Run the following commands to start training and evaluation.
# wikipedia
python --dataset_name wikipedia --prefix graphmixer_tgsl_wiki --log_name graphmixer_tgsl_wiki --model_name GraphMixer --load_best_configs --num_runs 1 --gpu 0 --tau 0.1 --ratio 0.008 --can_nn 10 --can_type 3rd --rnn_layer 1 --coe 0.2 --K 512 --gtau 1.0
# reddit
python --dataset_name reddit --prefix graphmixer_tgsl_reddit --log_name graphmixer_tgsl_reddit --model_name GraphMixer --load_best_configs --num_runs 1 --gpu 0 --tau 0.1 --ratio 0.4 --can_nn 20 --can_type 1st --rnn_layer 2 --coe 0.2 --K 512 --gtau 1.0
# escorts
python --dataset_name escorts --prefix graphmixer_tgsl_escorts --log_name graphmixer_tgsl_escorts --model_name GraphMixer --load_best_configs --num_runs 1 --gpu 0 --tau 0.1 --ratio 0.002 --can_nn 20 --can_type 3rd --rnn_layer 1 --coe 0.2 --K 512 --gtau 1.0
Thanks to the publicly released codes of TGAT and DyGLib, we implement TGSL based on them.
title={Time-aware Graph Structure Learning via Sequence Prediction on Temporal Graphs},
author={Haozhen Zhang and Xueting Han* and Xi Xiao and Jing Bai},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.07699},