
Clone of Concrete CMS Atomik Theme

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Due to a career change I am no longer maintaining this repo.


This is an attempt to copy the Atomik theme provided with the Concrete CMS installation in to it's own installable package for designers to modify as they would like.


Using your terminal, navigate to your Concrete CMS packages folder then:

git clone https://github.com/davedew/atomik_theme_clone.git

Proceed to install the package in Concrete's Dashboard > Extend Concrete page.

Personalize for your project

  • Change the icon.png (97px x 97px) in the packages/atomik_theme_clone directory.
  • Change the thumbnail.png (360px x 270px) in the packages/atomik_theme_clone/themes/atomik_clone directory.
  • To change the name and descriptions, for my example below I want my theme to be named "Rock Solid":
    • Directory names
      • packages/theme_rock_solid
      • packages/theme_rock_solid/themes/rock_solid
    • Namespaces & Use Statements
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/controller.php
        • namespace Concrete\Package\ThemeRockSolid;
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/themes/rock_solid/page_theme.php
        • namespace Concrete\Package\ThemeRockSolid\Theme\RockSolid;
        • use Concrete\Package\AtomikThemeClone\AtomikCloneDocumentationProvider change to:
          • use Concrete\Package\ThemeRockSolid\AtomikCloneDocumentationProvider;
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/src/Concrete/AtomikCloneDocumentationProvider.php
        • namespace Concrete\Package\ThemeRockSolid;
        • use Concrete\Package\AtomikThemeClone\Theme\AtomikClone\PageTheme change to:
          • use Concrete\Package\ThemeRockSolid\Theme\RockSolid\PageTheme;
    • Names and Descriptions
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/controller.php
        • protected $pkgHandle = 'theme_rock_solid';
        • protected $themePath = 'themes/rock_solid/';
        • protected $themeName = 'Rock Solid';
        • protected $themeHandle = 'rock_solid';
        • public function getPackageDescription:
        • public function getEntityManagerProvider > Change the Concrete\Package\AtomikTheme to Concrete\Package\RockSolid
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/themes/rock_solid/page_theme.php
        • public function getThemeName()
        • public function getThemeDescription()
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/build/webpack.mix.js
        • mix.setPublicPath('../themes/rock_solid');
        • mix.browserSync({proxy: 'rock-solid.test'}); change this to whatever your local URL is
    • Other
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/content.xml
        • Change the
        • Change all references for package to look like this: package="theme_rock_solid"
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/themes.xml
        • Change the
        • Change all references for package to look like this: package="theme_rock_solid"
      • File: packages/theme_rock_solid/controller.php
        • public function install_config(): change the $themePaths atomik_clone to rock_solid

Use / Editing JS and CSS

When making changes to the JavaScript, make your changes in the build/assets/js/main.js file. For SCSS make edits in the build/assets/scss folder. The main scss file if found at build/assets/scss/presets/default/main.scss. Rebuild the JS and CSS files in the package by using your terminal, in the build folder with npm run dev or npm run prod for minified versions. These will generate the main.js and css files in your theme folder.

Node / NPM / Laravel Mix Build CSS / JavaScript

Make sure to install your node modules to start in the build directory:

npm install

If you do not have npm, you'll need to install Node Js.

In build you will see the Laravel Mix setup. You should be able to use the following documentation from laravel-mix/docs/cli.md.

Note: The package.json was created from my environment. You might want to start over from your own. You can do so with the following:

Remove the package.json, package-lock.json (if exists), and the node_modules (if exists) folder and start over with the following:

I'm referencing Laravel Mix's docs here: https://github.com/laravel-mix/laravel-mix/blob/master/docs/installation.md

In the build folder do the following:

  1. npm init -y
  2. npm install laravel-mix --save-dev
  3. npm install @concretecms/bedrock
  4. Leave the webpack.mix.js and all other files alone, then run
  5. npm run prod

CLI Commands:

To build assets for development, reach for the npm run dev command. Mix will then read your webpack.mix.js configuration file, and compile your assets.

npm run dev

Watch Assets for Changes

Particularly for larger projects, compilation can take a bit of time. For this reason, it's highly recommended that you instead leverage webpack's ability to watch your filesystem for changes. The npm run watch command will handle this for you. Now, each time you update a file, Mix will automatically recompile the file and rebuild your bundle.

npm run watch


In certain situations, webpack may not automatically detect changes. An example of this is when you're on an NFS volume inside virtualbox. If this is a problem, pass the --watch-options-poll option directly to webpack-cli to turn on manual polling.

npm run watch -- --watch-options-poll=1000

Of course, you can add this to a build script within your package.json file.

Hot Module Replacement

Hot module replacement is a webpack featured that gives supporting modules the ability to "live update" in certain situations. A live-update is when your application refreshes without requiring a page reload. In fact, this is what powers Vue's live updates when developing. To turn this feature on, include the --hot flag.

npm run hot

Compiling for Production

When it comes time to build your assets for a production environment, Mix will set the appropriate webpack options, minify your source code, and optionally version your assets based on your Mix configuration file (webpack.mix.js). To build assets for production, include the --production flag - or the alias -p - to the Mix CLI. Mix will take care of the rest!

npm run prod