
WeatherVisualizer is an Angular project for dynamically displaying weather data in a browser.


To set up the website, you first need:

  • Nodejs installed (run node -v to check if you have it installed)
  • Npm installed (run npm -v to check if you have it installed)
  • Angular Cli installed (run npm install -g @angular/cli to install it)

Once you have NodeJs, NPM and the AngularCLI, then:

  1. Open 2 Powershell/Cmd terminals
  2. In the both, go to the clone directory WeatherVisualizer
  3. In the first terminal, go to the WeatherVisualizer directory and run ng serve
  4. In the second terminal, go to the gobetween directory and run npm start


Once you have the project set up, open a browser go to http://localhost:4200/

In both the dropdown menu and the input box, you can chose the city whose forecast you want to see.

In the page footer, you can expand a table containing all of the cities in the database.

Special thanks to PKGeorgiev