
Project for introduction to progamming

Primary LanguageC++


Project for introduction to progamming


The project is simulation of some simple functuonalities of Bank Software, such as: deposit, withdraw, transfer (some amount of money), cancel account, logout and of course, register, login and quit.

Some short description for thеsе functions:

Deposit - "D"

  • Add money to your account(you can add 10 000 BGN at once).

Withdraw - "W"

  • Take money out of your account(overdraft to 10 000 BGN).

Transfer - "T"

  • First you should be sure that the person you want to transfer the money has an account in this software, then send him the amount of money you want to(overdraft to 10 000 BGN).

Cancel Account - "C"

  • You can cancel your account only when your balance is 0 BGN, if this is correct just write your password.

Logout - "L"

  • When you are in the Logged Menu, with writing "L" you will be send to the Guest Menu.

Register(some specifications) - "R":

  • Your username has to be only with symbols and latin letter, no numbers.
  • Your password has to be at least from 5 symbols(mandatory of 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 symbol) such as: symbol-"!@#$%^&*", numbers and latin letters.
  • Your balance will always start from 0 BGN.

Login - "L"

  • When you are successfully login you will see the balance in your account.

Quit - "Q"

  • You can always quit with the capital letter "Q".