
Online clusterization of Russian news

Primary LanguagePython

BERT+KNN online clustering

Minimal setup

  1. Create your encoder: python create_model.py (change create_model.py to fit your specific needs)
  2. Run online evaluation on data/dev-dataset-task2022-04_preprocessed.json: python solution.py

ONNX optimizations

If you would like to shrink the size of your model, the script optimize.py will create optimized version of BERT encoder for you. Refer to python optimize.py --help:

usage: optimize.py [-h] --model MODEL [--prune PRUNE] [--prune_iterations PRUNE_ITERATIONS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--dataset_dir DATASET_DIR] [--onnx_dir ONNX_DIR] [--fuse [FUSE]] [--quantize [QUANTIZE]]
                   [--opset_version OPSET_VERSION] [--do_constant_folding [DO_CONSTANT_FOLDING]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         Huggingface model to optimize (default: None)
  --prune PRUNE         Fraction of all heads to prune. (default: 0.0)
  --prune_iterations PRUNE_ITERATIONS
                        Pruning iterations (the higher the better) (default: 5)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for head importances evaluation. (default: 1)
  --dataset_dir DATASET_DIR
                        Dataset to use for pruning. (default: data)
  --onnx_dir ONNX_DIR   Path to directory where to store ONNX models. (default: onnx)
  --fuse [FUSE]         Fuse some elements of the model (is not supported with quantization) (default: False)
  --quantize [QUANTIZE]
                        Quantize the model. (default: False)
  --opset_version OPSET_VERSION
                        ONNX opset version: 11, 12 or 13. (default: 13)
  --do_constant_folding [DO_CONSTANT_FOLDING]
                        Fold constants during ONNX conversion. (default: False)