
Robot project for the Embedded Software Project [521275A] and Software Project [521479S]

Primary LanguagePython

Getting started

The robot uses ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2). Read the ROS2 wiki!.

Note: See development for how to create VirtualBox ROS2 Foxy VM using Vagrant

The Robot

The robot uses dynamixel servos. Servos are controlled via the robot_hardware ROS node, which implements the hardware interface for ros2_control. robot package contains the servo controller configurations for the robot. See head.yaml, for example. The head supports joint_trajectory_controller. When using this controller, joints can be controlled by sending action messages to the trajectroy controller. See bring up for an example.

Joint -> Servo mappings are defined in config/dynamixel.yaml.

Project structure

  • src - all packages
    • src/inmoov_description - robot files (URDF, SRDF & rviz configuration)
    • src/robot - robot launch files & servo controller configurations
    • src/robot_hardware - hardware interface for ros2_controller, communicates with U2D2 via dynamixel workbench
  • config - servo configuration

Servo Table

Baud rate: 57600, Voltage: 7.5

Note: Servos can be configured using dynamixel wizard

Servo ID Model Joint name Description
1 XL430 head_tilt_right_joint Head tilt right-side
2 XL430 head_tilt_vertical_joint Head tilt up/down
3 XL430 head_tilt_left_joint Head tilt left-side
4 XL430 head_pan_joint Head turn left/right
10 XL320 eyes_shift_horizontal_joint Eyes shift left/right
11 XL320 eyes_shift_vertical_joint Eyes shift up/down
12 XL320 head_jaw_joint Open/close jaw
31 XL320 r_thumb_joint Open/close thumb
34 XL320 r_index1_joint Open/close index
37 XL320 r_middle1_joint Open/close middle
40 XL320 r_ring_joint Open/close ring
44 XL320 r_pinky_joint Open/close pinky
47 XL320 unnamed joint Rotate wrist

Note: head tilt range of motion is poor

Note: wrist joint seems to overload very easily

Note: servo angle limits are not configured

Getting started

  1. See Development
  2. See Robot bring-up

Note: Be careful not to move joints too much, limits are not set yet