

Primary LanguagePython


How to run it

  1. install python 3.9+
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python main.py

Result video




How it works:

Proposed solution tackles the problem with navigation based only on visual data.

The main problem:

The main problem with visual navigation is to find current position. This solution finds current object position by “searching” image taken right below the object in the base map (for example satellite map provided). The search is conducted by simple statistical image comparison. Details: The mechanism used for comparison is matchTemplate() function from OpenCV. This function uses 6 similarity calculation methods from which we use 3 to select single most matched piece of the image. Methods used:

TM_SQDIFF = Template Matching Square Difference


TM_CCOEFF = Template Matching Correlation Coefficient


TM_CCORR = Template Matching Cross Correlation


When current position is found its marked on the map.

Problem with object rotation.

Marking the object's position after rotation is possible by rotating the sector map by the appropriate angle and matching the drone's image. Methods used:


Navigating to “failsafe” point:

When the current position is determined the navigated object rotates to certain angle and goes forward. The necessary angle of rotation of the drone is calculated based on the slope coefficients of the straights (the drone's heading straight and the straight to the target point). Calculating the angle:




  • Need for a top down camera
  • Current satellite image

Advantages of the solution

  • Lightweight - calculation position in real time
  • Independence from sensors (vision only)
  • Robustness against drone rotation
  • Robustness to drone altitude change

Disadvantages of the solution:

  • Not available for drones without a top down camera

Run for improvement

  • Recognition of current position by comparison of characteristic points (object detection)
  • Determination of current position by comparison of sequential frame


Zrzut ekranu 2023-02-23 140801

Image comparison with satelite map from real topdown dron camera
