
This Repository contains the solution of an assignment

database structure

  • There are four table in the database(user,role,permission,mapping).
  • User table stores the user name,role,id,and password.
  • Role table stores the roles(like admin,moderator etc.) and it's id.
  • Permission table stores the union of permissions that will be given to any type of user.
  • Mapping(table name is rpMaps) store mapping between roleId and permissionId.


Install the dependencies and start the server.

$ git clone
$ cd mylo_assignment
$ npm install

commands for create user and database in mysql are:

> create user 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'password'
> create database 'database_name'
> use 'database_name'
> grant all privileges on *.* to 'username'@'localhost'

make config.json add the db credential and salt rounds in it(sample config is available for your refrence). then run command:

$ npm start
  • use api end point api/home to see basic functionality(non- premium user)
  • add roles in db using post request on admin/role
  • signup as (using post request on auth/signUp)
  • signin using using post request on auth/signUp.

API Endpoints

open endpoints

  • User do not require to login first to fetch successfull result from these endpoints.
  • user has to send json in post request.
  • for login keys of the json data will be:- 'username' and 'password'.
  • for signUp keys of the json data will be:- 'name', 'password' and 'role'.
  • Api end points are:-

    [Login] : POST /auth/signIn/
    [signUp] : POST /auth/signUp/
    [home] : get /api/home/

  • it is to be noted that though home end point is open but it send different data for logged in and non-logged in user.

Restricted Endpoints

  • These endpoints require authentication first. Only admin can use these endpoints.

  • for role key of the json data will be 'role'.

  • for permission key of the json data will be 'permission'.

  • for mapping key of the json data will be 'role' and 'permission'.

  • Api end points are:-

    [role] : POST /admin/role/
    [permission] : POST /admin/role/
    [mapping] : post /admin/role/mapping

  • Note- check for authentication is applied only on role/mapping end point to prevent admin using insert command in mysql,s/he can atleast add one role(i.e admin) and permission through api request itself without signing in.