
Ethereum teaching materials for NTUEE Networking and Multimedia Lab (EE3002)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ethereum teaching materials HW2 for NTUEE Networking and Multimedia Lab (EE3002)


node.js, npm, ganache-cli(or ganache), truffle, Metamask(browser add-ons)

~ $ sudo apt install nodejs
~ $ sudo apt install npm
~ $ npm install -g ganache-cli
~ $ npm install -g truffle

Quick start

~ $ git clone https://github.com/Vimalakirti/EthHW.git
~ $ cd EthHW/

Table of contents


  1. If your os is not Windows, please rename truffle-config.js to truffle.js, or just run the following command:
~ $ bash rename.sh
  1. Remember to run ganache on developing.
  2. Step-by-step


Please describe how you get the point(s) in your report.


~ $ cd 1_Hello/
  • (1%) Compile the contracts
  • Modify truffle-config.js(or truffle.js)
  • (1%) Migrate the contracts
  • Run truffle console
  • (1%) Get the message: image
  • Change your name, we hold Vimalakirti up as an example here,
  • (1%) And get the message: image


~ $ cd 2_Coin/
~ $ npm install @openzeppelin/contracts@^2.4.0
  • Google "ERC20" first
  • And you might need this doc: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/2.x/api/token/erc20#erc20
  • Compile the contracts
  • Modify truffle-config.js(or truffle.js)
  • Migrate the contracts
  • Write your test script(solidity or javascript)
  • (4%) Test the functions below:
    • totalSupply() - I've done for you
    • balanceOf(account) - I've done for you
    • transfer(recipient, amount) - TODO
    • allowance(owner, spender) - TODO
    • approve(spender, amount) - TODO
    • transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount) - TODO
  • You should test these functionalities comprehensively and get "passing" by running truffle test


~ $ cd 3_TodoApp/
  • Compile and migrate the contracts (remember to check truffle-config.js or truffle.js)
  • mv build react/src/
  • cd react and run npm install, then run npm run start
  • Open your browser and enter localhost:3000 in the URL bar
  • (4%) Realize web3 functions below (react/src/index.js line 55~85):
    • addTodo
    • deleteTodo
    • completeTodo
    • undoneTodo
  • Metamask should pop up on using these functions