
A very simple badger CLI tool inspired on redis-cli

Primary LanguageGo

Badger CLI

A simple CLI tool for accessing badger databases.

This project was inspired on redis-cli so we will try to keep the behavior simillar, for instance using it is very simple:

$ go install github.com/vingarcia/badger-cli@latest
$ badger-cli some.db
some.db> get foo
record not found
some.db> set foo bar
some.db> get foo
some.db> list
- foo
- foo2
some.db> exit

You can also open encrypted badger instances using the -p argument, e.g.:

badger-cli -p some_encrypted.db
some_encrypted.db> list
- foo
- foo2

You can also use a pipe for passing the password to badger-cli, but only on *nix systems:

cat password_file.txt | badger-cli -p some_encrypted.db
some_encrypted.db> list
- foo
- foo2


You can install using the go install command:

go install github.com/vingarcia/badger-cli@latest

Which will install it on either ~/go/bin or $GOPATH/bin, which you might need to add to your PATH.

Supported Commands

On the list below elements surrounded by <> are mandatory and elements surrounded by [] are optional:

  • set <key> [value]: Adds an item to the database, if value is not present an empty string is assumed.
  • get <key>: Reads an item from the database (if the item doesn't exists an error is displayed)
  • list [prefix]: Lists all keys starting with prefix, if prefix is not passed lists all keys
  • find [prefix]: Finds all items starting with prefix, if prefix is not passed lists all values
  • del <key>: Deletes the target item