
This repo contains a few benchmarks written for studying purposes

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This project keeps a few benchmarks written for studying Golang

Which is faster: String keys or struct keys?

When using maps Go does allow us to use structs as keys when we have multiple values.

So the question arrived, would it be better to just concatenate several values in the form of a big string and use it as the unique key of the map, or would it be faster to have a struct that contains all these values?

This benchmarks discusses this possibility:

$ make
go test -bench=. -benchtime=5s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/vingarcia/go-benchmarks
cpu: VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz
BenchmarkMapKeys/using_strings-10         	27575566	       215.7 ns/op
BenchmarkMapKeys/using_strings_optimized-10         	57606266	       106.6 ns/op
BenchmarkMapKeys/using_structs-10                   	86174137	        69.67 ns/op
ok  	github.com/vingarcia/go-benchmarks	24.823s

What is the fastest way to work with a Matrix in Golang?

When creating matrixes I've seen some people using a single big array to represent matrixes supposedly for performance reasons. So I decided to put that to proof.

This benchmark compares an implementation of a NxN square matrix using three different implementations:

  1. A slice of slices where each sub-slice points the a contiguous array in memory which might improve the performance
  2. A non-optimized slice of slices where each sub-slice might be allocated in a different way than the previous one.
  3. A single big array where the position i,j is calculated by the following formula: i*200 + j
$ make
go test -bench=. -benchtime=5s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/vingarcia/go-benchmarks
cpu: VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz
BenchmarkMatrixIndexing/slice_of_slices-10                  	1000000000	         1.766 ns/op
BenchmarkMatrixIndexing/slice_of_slices_single_allocation-10	1000000000	         1.766 ns/op
BenchmarkMatrixIndexing/single_slice-10                     	1000000000	         1.600 ns/op
ok  	github.com/vingarcia/go-benchmarks	24.823s

How much slower is the code when using Mutex?

go test -bench=. -benchtime=5s
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/vingarcia/go-benchmarks
cpu: VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz
BenchmarkMutex/using_a_mutex-10     	424256799	        14.15 ns/op
BenchmarkMutex/not_using_a_mutex-10 	1000000000	         0.3281 ns/op
ok  	github.com/vingarcia/go-benchmarks	32.661s