
Example module for my presentations at MageTestFest.

Primary LanguagePHP

Example GiftItem

This module is a basic example implementation of a gift item module. By default it simply adds a water bottle to the cart when the customer adds a product from the sample data Bags attribute set.

This module is not intended for production use, it is only example code for my presentations at MageTestFest.

Magento 2 Total Model Kata

Check out the tag beginning-of-kata to start.
Then TDD your way through the creation of the free gift item total model.

Target collect() behavior:

  • Subtract gift item row totals sum from subtotal
  • Subtract gift item base row totals sum from base subtotal
  • Set calculation_price of every gift item to 0
  • Set base_calculation_price of every gift item to 0
  • Call calcRowTotal on each item

Suggested TDD Steps

  1. Create test class
  2. Rename namespace to Example\GiftItem\Model\Totals
  3. Extend \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
  4. Test 1: inherits abstract total model
  5. Test 2: returns zero if no items are passed
  6. Test 3: returns zero if non gift item is passed
  7. Test 4: returns gift item row total
  8. Test 5: returns sum of gift item row totals only
  9. Test 6: returns sum of gift item base row totals only
  10. Test 7: subtracts gift item total sums from subtotal
    (for both base row total and row total)
  11. Test 8: zeros gift item calculation_price and base_calculation_price
    and calculates the row total and ignores non gift items

(c) 2017 Vinai Kopp
License: BSD-3-Clause