
Pizza store management application for orders with mobile app for customers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This application was built as the final assignment for the Rocketseat Bootcamp (fifth edition). Based on Node.js, React.js and React Native.

Backend - Node.js

REST API built using Adonis.js which is a Node.js framework. The API consists of a MVC application.


  • User auth/session
  • Password encryption
  • JWT Auth
  • Lucid Model ORM


  • /users - POST - Registers a new User.
  • /session - POST - Authenticates an User.
  • Auth-only routes:
    • /prod - POST - Registers a new Product.
    • /type - POST - Registers a new Type for a given Product.
    • /size - POST - Registers a new Size for a given Type.
    • /menu - GET - Shows all Products.
    • /menu/:prod - GET - Shows all Types for a given Product.
    • /menu/size:type - GET - Shows all the possible Sizes for a given Type of product.
    • /cart - POST - Returns all data related to the id's requested.
    • /order - POST - Creates a new Order with the user_id, address, observations and the products.
    • /order - GET - If the current user is an administrator, it returns all Orders from all user. Else, it returns all Orders made by the current customer.

Frontend - React.js

Simple app for administrators only to see all current Orders listed with information such as products, total price, address and observations.


  • Flux Architecture
  • Reactotron as debug tool
  • Redux Reducers and Actions
  • Redux Sagas
  • Duck Patterns
  • Auth token on localStorage
  • PropTypes validation
  • Flex Box styles
  • Styled Components
  • Moment.js for Date parsing
  • React Toastify for notifications
  • Axios for API calls

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Mobile - React Native

Mobile app for clients only that allows users to browse items and order products


  • Login
  • Signup
  • Products (Pizzas, Drinks)
  • Product Types (Pizza flavors, drink brand)
  • Size (Large, medium, small, 300ml)
  • Cart
  • Previous Orders
  • Finish Order


The mobile version features most of the ones cited above on the React Web App, it also includes the CEP Promise API by Filipe Deschamps to fill in the address as the user inputs the zipcode.

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