Bundle to use MJML 3 and 4 with Symfony 4.
Download the bundle:
composer require notfloran/mjml-bundle
Install MJML
$ npm install mjml
# config/packages/notfloran_mjml.yaml
bin: '%kernel.project_dir%/node_modules/.bin/mjml' # default: mjml
mimify: true # default: false
{# templates/mail/example.mjml.twig #}
<mj-image width="100" src="https://mjml.io/assets/img/logo-small.png"></mj-image>
<mj-divider border-color="#F45E43"></mj-divider>
<mj-text font-size="20px" color="#F45E43" font-family="helvetica">
Hello {{ name }} from MJML and Symfony
$message = (new \Swift_Message('Hello Email'))
$this->get('twig')->render('templates/mail/example.mjml.twig', [
'name' => 'Floran'
{# mail/example.mjml.twig #}
{% block email_content %}
{% mjml %}
<mj-image width="100" src="https://mjml.io/assets/img/logo-small.png"></mj-image>
<mj-divider border-color="#F45E43"></mj-divider>
<mj-text font-size="20px" color="#F45E43" font-family="helvetica">
Hello {{ name }} from MJML and Symfony
{% endmjml %}
{% endblock %}
$message = (new \Swift_Message('Hello Email'))
$this->get('twig')->render('templates/mail/example.mjml.twig', [
'name' => 'Floran'
Declare the following service:
tags: [swiftmailer.default.plugin]
Create a SwiftMailer message with a MJML body (without {% mjml %}
) and with text/mjml
as content-type:
$message = (new \Swift_Message('Hello Email'))
The plugin will automatically render the MJML body and replace the body with the rendered HTML.
In the case where a spool is used: the MJML content is save in the spool and render when the spool is flushed.
MjmlBundle is licensed under the MIT license.